Tutorial - Masters - How to Print Statements


** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Calendar Month Only Format

Print a New Statement

Print a Previous Statement

Review/Process Revenue and Preview a Single Statement

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Display Date Format as Calendar Month Only

To display the dates as “from 1/1/06 to 1/31/06” on the statement:
  1. Open the statement report in Crystal Designer.
  2. Open the OwnerRentalActivity sub-report
  3. .
  4. Replace the PreviousStatementDate parameter ({?Pm-?PreviousStatementDate}) in the Report Header with the BegStatementDateDisplay formula ({@BegStatementDateDisplay}).
  5. Right-click on the BegStatementDateDisplay formula in the Report Header and choose Format {@BegStatementDateDisplay}.
  6. Make sure the font, color, and size are the same as the rest of the text in that textbox.
  7. Make sure the date is formatted as just a date (not date and time) and is System Default Short Format (3/1/1999) like the rest of the dates on the report.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Open the OwnerPayments sub-report.
  10. Replace the PreviousStatementDate parameter ({?Pm-?PreviousStatementDate}) in Report Footer a section with the BegStatementDateDisplay formula ({@BegStatementDateDisplay}).
  11. Right-click on the BegStatementDateDisplay formula in the Report Footer a section and choose Format {@BegStatementDateDisplay}.
  12. Make sure the font, color, and size are the same as the rest of the text in that textbox.
  13. Make sure the date is formatted as just a date (not date and time) and is System Default Short Format (3/1/1999) like the rest of the dates on the report.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Open the OwnerDirectCharges sub-report.
  16. Replace the PreviousStatementDate parameter ({?Pm-?PreviousStatementDate}) in Report Footer a section with the BegStatementDateDisplay formula ({@BegStatementDateDisplay}).
  17. Right-click on the BegStatementDateDisplay formula in the Report Footer a section and choose Format {@BegStatementDateDisplay}.
  18. Make sure the font, color, and size are the same as the rest of the text in that textbox.
  19. Make sure the date is formatted as just a date (not date and time) and is System Default Short Format (3/1/1999) like the rest of the dates on the report.
  20. Click OK.
  21. Save the report.

Process Revenue and Preview a Single Statement

Before viewing and printing owner statements using the RDPWin demo files, revenue must first be processed.  To Process:

  1. Select Process Revenue from the Owner Masters main menu.
  2. Check the Single Owner box.
  3. To choose a Single Owner, click the Find Owner button.
  4. Type Agassi into the Name field (or type 103 into the Owner# field).
  5. Confirm Agassi/Andre is high-lighted in the grid.  Click Select or double-click the owner.
  6. Click Review.
  7. The system prompts with "Review complete. Print report?" and offers two formats: detail (default) and recap.  Click OK.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Review the revenue for this owner.
  10. Once approved, click Process.
  11. The system prompts with "You are about to process revenue...OK to proceed?".  Click OK.
  12. The system prompts with "Processing complete. Print report?" and offers two formats: detail (default) and recap.  Click OK.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Close the Process Owner Revenue form.
Once processing is complete, continue with statements.

  1. Select Owner Statements from the Owner Masters main menu.
  2. Check the Single Owner box.
  3. Click Find Owner button.
  4. Select Owner 103 Agassi/Andre from the Starting Owner field.  since the Single Owner box is checked, the Ending Owner field is automatically updated with Mr. Agassi's name and number.
  5. Confirm "New Activity since last statement" is selected.
  6. Confirm or click Browse to choose "Reports10\Owner\Statement.rpt" as the designated Statement Report.
  7. Click "Preview One Statement".
  8. If the statement has already been finalized, the system prompts to select the "Previous Statement" option before previewing this statement.
  9. Close the Report Viewer.
  10. Click Close.
  11. Click Start in the main menu.

Print a New Statement

To print a balance forward statement showing all new activity for an owner since the last statement marker, follow these steps:
  1. Select Owners from the main menu.
  2. Click "Owner Statements".
  3. Choose All Owners or Single Owner.  If you choose Single Owner, you must click the Find Owner button and select an owner or type an owner number in the text box.
  4. Choose "New activity since last statement."  The statement date defaults to the current system date.  Based on the setting of the "Always process owner statements on calendar month only" switch on the Owner Configuration page, the default date will either be the last day of the last month (YES) or the current system date (NO).
  5. Check the appropriate switches to include statements with no activity or not.
  6. Choose a Statement Report to print, if one isn't already specified.  Click the Browse button to find the correct report.
  7. Select the Print tab.
  8. Click Print One/All Statements.
  9. After printing the balance forward statement, review it carefully. Correct any errors before closing and printing the final copy for the owner.
  10. Once corrections have been made, select the Close tab.  Check the appropriate switches to generate and print checks to the owners for any credit balance. If you do not check "Generate check for any credit balance", the statement shows that the credit balance is "held on account". If checks are printed in RDP, make sure the "Print check from RDP" option is selected.

    When a balance forward statement is closed, the system generates a statement marker transaction, defining the end of one statement and the beginning of the next. Statement markers appear as a B7D@ transaction code whenever owner transaction are viewed. Without closing the statement, the next owner statement will include all activity instead of just new activity. Even if no corrections were made to the first statement, close the statement.
  11. Once statements have been closed, print the final copy of the statements to send to the owners. Choose Previous Statement.
  12. Choose a statement date to reprint. If "Single Owner" is chosen, the drop-down box offers the dates of all previous statements for that owner master. If "All Owners" is chosen, the statement date can be chosen from the calendar drop-down.
  13. Check the appropriate switches to include statements with no activity or not.
  14. Click Print One/All Statement(s).
  15. Click Start in the main menu.

Printing Previous Statements

Balance forward statements can be reprinted for any past period from one statement marker to the next. To print previous statements, follow these steps:

  1. Select Owners from the main menu.
  2. Click Owner Statements.
  3. Choose All Owners or Single Owner. If you choose Single Owner, click the Find Owner button and select an owner or type an owner number in the text box.
  4. Choose "Previous Statement".
  5. Choose a statement date to reprint. If Single Owner is chosen, the drop-down box will have the dates of all previous statements for that owner master. If All Owners is chosen, the statement date can be chosen from the calendar drop-down.
  6. Check the appropriate switches to include statements with or without activity.
  7. Choose a statement report to print, if one isn't already specified. Click the Browse button to find the correct report.
  8. Select the Print tab.
  9. Click Print One/All Statement(s).
  10. Click Start in the main menu.

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