Tutorial - Accounting - Trust Accounting

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

This tutorial is different than any other in the system.  It's based on blank demo files for a clean look at what is affected by trust accounting functions.  Before beginning these tutorials, please log on to RDPWin using the 05 demo files.


Make Res and View Trust Accounting Screens

Since were dealing with blank demo files, we must first make a reservation before stepping through the Trust Accounting process. 

  1. Click F5 New Res to open the "New Reservation (Paying Guest)" screen.
  2. Change the Nights field to "3" which updates the Departure field to March 4th.  Keep in mind the year of our demo files is set to 1998 for clarity reasons.
  3. Click the "Available Rooms" button to select a room number.
  4. Room 101 is already selected in the grid.  Click the Select button.
  5. A quote is automatically added by the system.  Click "Make Reservation".
  6. Click Yes at the "No guest history chosen" prompt to open the Find Guest screen.
  7. Click the Find button associated with Name.
  8. Click on Abbott/Bud and click Select.
  9. When the Change Reservation screen opens, click "Save & Close".
  10. At the "Continue With" screen, click "This Res".
  11. Click Deposit/Payment from Options to open the "Deposit for Abbott/Bud" screen.
  12. For ease of testing, select the Check radio button as the deposit payment type.
  13. Change the amount from 562.06 to 200.
  14. Enter Check# 25896 and click Process Deposit.
  15. At the "Continue With" screen, click "This Res".
  16. Select "Trust Summary" from the Accounting | Trust Accounting submenu.
  17. The "process as of" date is already set to 3/1/98.  Click Display to view that all accounts are currently at zero ($0.00).
  18. Click Close.

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