Support Training Document - Work Orders for Hotel Class

Training Index


The following are goals for this class:

  • Configure Work Orders & Asset Management Module RZ
  • Add, assign, and close work orders
  • Bill owners/reservations for work orders
  • Create vendor payables and generate vendor statements


RDP's "Work Order and Asset Management" module is designed to automate the process of entering and completing a work order request, as well as track all fixed assets. The Work Order Monitor screen is the core element of the module. It displays the current status of all work orders, and auto-refreshes as work orders are added, edited or closed. It also has the ability to bill owners or reservations and create payables for outside vendors for the work completed. The work order module is fully integrated into RDP.


  • Options
  • Locations
  • Contact Type
  • Phone Type
  • Email
  • Request Type
  • Taken From
  • Vendor Type
  • Asset Type

Add Work Order Vendors

  • Add a work order vendor
    • Detail tab
    • Mark-up/Transaction Code tab
      • Invoice
      • Time and materials
  • List/Change
  • Add Contacts

Add Work Order for Outside Vendor

  • Add work order
  • Assign to vendor
  • Close work order
  • Add invoice information
  • Pay vendor
  • Bill owner/reservation with mark-up

Add Work Order for Internal Maintenance Department

  • Add work order
  • Assign to internal maintenance department vendor/contact
  • Add time spent
  • Replace asset and add asset to inventory
  • Close work order
  • Bill owner/reservation with mark-up

Add Task

  • Add task to reservation
  • Assign task to vendor
  • Close task

Process Payables

  • Process vendor payables
  • Vendor statements

Add Assets

  • Add an asset
  • Add multiple assets
  • Change/delete

Exercise #1

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 04 as User with no password
  2. Select the Work Order menu – Configuration
  3. Click on the Request Type tab – Add a new request type for "Lost and Found"
  4. Click on the Vendor Type tab – Add "Postage"
  5. Click on Vendors – Add Vendor
  6. Add a Vendor for FEDEX – Fill in the Contact Type, Vendor Type and Name fields
  7. Click on the Markup/Transaction Codes Tab – Choose Billing Method "Invoice"
  8. Enter transaction code 01-Housekeeping Payable for the B8 Vendor Payment
  9. Enter transaction code 10-Fax Charge for the B2 Reservation Charge – Save and Close
  10. Click Add Work Order – Check the box for Task - Type-"Lost and Found" – From-"Housekeeping" – Res#-288, Anderson/Harry – Description-"left cell phone charger"
  11. Assign vendor "FEDEX" to the work order – Fill in the Requested Start Time for a 5:00 pm pick up – Save and Close the work order
  12. Find the Open Work Order you just created – Close the work order – Click on the Charges/Payment tab – enter the current day for the invoice date – enter any invoice # - enter $25 for the amount
  13. Bill the reservation for $25 to ship the cell phone charger
  14. Click "Pay Now" to create the payable for vendor – Save and Close
  15. Find the Vendor – Under Options, Click on Statements – Click "Preview One Statement"
  16. What is the total amount due to the vendor?

Exercise #2

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 04 as User with no password
  2. Select the Work Order menu - Add Work Order
  3. For Type, select "Broken Item" – From "Front Desk" - Location "Room 102" - Asset to Fix "Room Phone" - Description "broken phone"
  4. Assign the Maintenance Department to this work order – Save and Close
  5. Find the open work order just created and close it.
  6. Click on the Assets tab – Check the "ATT Phone Set" installed in Room 102
  7. Click on New Asset because you purchased a new phone for the room.
  8. Fill in the asset information for the phone - the Status should be "inventory
  9. Select the new asset created to be replaced by double-clicking it
  10. Save and close the work order


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