Support Training Document - Itinerary & Activities

Training Index


The following are goals for this class:

  1. Configure Itinerary module
  2. Add Activity Vendor
  3. Add Activities to reservations
  4. Print Guest Itineraries and Vouchers
  5. Add/Configure Vendor for Scheduling
  6. Add Scheduled Activity
  7. Customize Packages by Adding Activities


Itineraries can be used for Groups, Individual Guests, and Tour Operators. Conferences that stay at the property can have up to 500 activities on the group leader folio, providing all of the detail to the group leader of all the activities. Various types of Activities can be added to an Individual Guest or to a Group. These activities can be Free Unscheduled Activities (Use of Pool & Spa), Free Scheduled Activities (Snorkel Trip at 9:00 AM), Package Activity (golf included in package), and Calculated Charged Activities (1 Hour Massage in Spa).
Itineraries can also be printed upon the guest's arrival. The itinerary can also be emailed along with the guest confirmation.

Coupons or vouchers may also be generated for any activity.

Activity Availability module allows scheduling an activity, such as renting a kayak from 11:00 AM for one hour.

Configuration to Add Vendors and Itineraries

  • Add transaction code and general ledger account. (Accounting, G/L Accounts, Add.)
  • Add package component. (System, Rates, Components, Add.)
  • Add vendor type. (System, Table Maintenance, VT, S, add Subcrecord.)
  • Add batch code and batch item. (Reservations, Configuration, Activities tab, Batch Activities.)
  • Add Activity Vendor. (Masters, Activity Vendor, Add.)

Add Activity

  • F3 Find Reservation, Itinerary tab, Add Activity.
  • Select Vendor Type and/or Vendor, Filter.
  • Highlight Activity, Add Activity.
  • Enter Confirmation number from Vendor and any other notes, Save & Close.

Change / Delete / Copy / Transfer Activity on Res

  • F3 Find Reservation, Itinerary tab, highlight activity, Change Activity.
  • Activity can be Changed, Deleted, Copied, or Transferred to another reservation.

Print / Configure Guest Itinerary

  • To print all vouchers by Arrival Date, Reporter, Reports, Vendor, TicketsByArrivalDate.
  • For one reservation, F3 Find Reservation, Itinerary tab, Print/Preview under "Ticket".
  • To configure Vouchers, change Activity Vendor and assign Batch Ticket Form number. Access System, Table Maintenance, HR, S, enter Batch Ticket Form #, enter Report folder name, enter Report name, and File.

Add Vendors for Scheduling

One example to use the Itinerary and Activity Scheduling modules is to schedule activities for the Spa.  Here are the steps to configure RDPWin:

  • Add package component for each Spa Activity. (System, Rates, Components, Add.)
  • Add vendor type. (System, Table Maintenance, VT, S, enter SPA for Subrecord, enter Description, File.)
  • Add batch code and batch item for each Spa Activity. (Reservations, Configuration, Activities tab, Batch Activities.)
  • Add Activity Vendor for each Spa Room. (Masters, Activity Vendor, Add.)

Add Scheduled Activities to Reservations

  • F3 Find Reservation, Itinerary tab, Add Activity.
  • Select Vendor Type and/or Vendor, Filter, Display.
  • Highlight Activity, Add Activity.
  • Based on Availability, highlight time slot, Select, enter name confirmed with and any other notes, Save & Close.

Customize Packages by Adding Activities

Activities can be added when making a reservation to customize a package for the guest. The activities can automatically be added to the room rate on the folio and confirmation or they can be posted as a line-by-line item.

  • When making a new reservation, Click on Add under "Activities", Select Vendor Type and/or Vendor Filter, Display.
  • Highlight Activity, Add Activity.
  • To include Activity to be part of a "Package", check "Included in Package" field, Save & Close.
  • To post the activity line by line, simply do not check "Included in Package" field, Save & Close.


  1. Add transaction code and general ledger account number for Pool Pass.
  2. Add package components for the following:
    Component PL01
    Pool 1 Ad 1 Day Price = $15.00 for ALL Room Types and All Seasons. Post once on first day of rate plan with no taxes.
    Component PL02
    Pool 1 Ad 2 Days Price = $28.00.
    Component PL03
    Pool 1 Ad 3 Days Price = $40.00
  3. Add Vendor Type "POOL" to Table VT.
  4. Add Batch Code "PL" for "Glenwood Springs Pool". Attach transaction code "PL".
  5. Add the following Batch Items:
    Batch Item PL01
    Pool Pass 1 Adult 1 Day. Attach to Component PL01.
    Batch Item PL02
    Pool Pass 1 Adult 2 Days. Attach to Component PL02.
    Batch Item PL03
    Pool Pass 1 Adult 3 Days. Attach to Component PL03.
  6. Add Vendor for "Glenwood Springs Pool". Verify that "Show on Add Activity" is checked. Select appropriate information for "Vendor Type", "Tx Code", and "Batch Code". For "Batch Ticket Form" use "650 - Misc. Tickets".
  7. F5 New Reservation, Arrival Date 03/01/98 for 3 nights, Room Type is 1B, Add Quote. Add Activity for Vendor "Glenwood Springs Pool" for 1 Adult for 3 Days starting on 03/01/98. Make this included as part of the package. Enter name and Save & Close.
  8. Preview Guest Itinerary for reservation made.
  9. Preview Ticket for Pool Pass for reservation made.
  10. Preview Folio for reservation made. Note that first day of rate plan includes the Pool Pass.

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