Support Training Document - Front Desk

Training Index


The following are goals for this class:

  • Understand RDPWin's front desk procedures
  • Able to train current front desk staff on new procedures


Procedures for front desk and reservationists are combined under Reservations.  There are easy, accessible buttons to view Arrivals, In-house, and Departures.

Basic Front Desk Procedures

  • Find Res F3
  • Find Res, then select from Options
  • Tabs below reservation are read-only
  • Change Res
    • Same data as in RDP-DOS, different layout
    • Guest information fields
    • Change dates, room type, room number, rates
    • Tabs for notes, Comments, Work Orders, etc.
  • Check-in
    • Under Options
    • Payment, Authorizations
    • Check-in button as well as Print Reg Card
  • Folio Tab
    • Preposted vs. Actual
    • Folio Filter
  • Check-out (Use Hamm/Mia Res#282)
    • Change Folio A to be RT for Room and Tax
    • Payment Options
    • Folio Options
      • Preview
      • Print
      • Change
      • Post Charge
    • Check-out button
  • Uncheck-out (Use Hamm/Mia Res#282)
  • Cancel (Use Eastwood/Clint Res#2)
    • Refund/Forfeit Options
    • Ability to Hold Deposit on Cancelled Res
  • Uncancel (Use Eastwood/Clint Res#2)
  • Folio
  • Confirmations
  • Arrivals, In-house, Departures
    • Grids
    • Sorting and grouping
    • Right-click Options
      •  (Export to Excel
      • E-mail Confirmations
      • Print Folio
      • Print Reg Cards
  • House Status
    • Sleepers replaces 752 Sleepers Report
    • No shows replaces 720 No-show Report
    • Highlight Reservation Enables Options Panel
    • Rooms Left to Sell (Use 3 nights for demo)
  • Tape Chart
    • Show names
    • Legend for Color
    • Move Res to Another Room
    • Extend a Reservation
    • Double-click to Change
    • Change Weeks Displays to Four, Click Next
  • Availability
    • Room Blocks
    • Next Button
    • Booked vs. Committed
  • Sharewith
  • Post Charges
    • Post Charge
    • Reverse or Delete Charge (RDPWin Automatically Hides No Prints)
    • Change Charge
      • Description
      • Quantity
      • Price
      • Folio Type
    • Deposit Payment (Use Res#2)
      • None
      • Payment
      • Authorization
      • Transfer to Owner
    • Select Payment Type
    • Printing CC Receipts
  • Refunds

Advanced Front Desk Procedures

  • Groups
    • Pay Code on Res
    • Pay Code on Transactions
    • Group Check-in
    • Group Check-out
  • Analysis
    • Specifications
    • Columns
    • Sorting
    • Grouping
    • Highlight Res to Enable Options Column
    • Double-click on Res to Change
  • Telephone Options
  • Key Card Options
  • Convert Res Types
    • Inventory
    • Preassign
    • Special
  • Process Held Deposits
  • Close Shift (Res, Options, Close Shift)
  • Front Desk Reports

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.

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