Support Training Document - Owner Accounting

Training Index


Demonstrate owner accounting features in the RDPWin product and produce an accurate owner statement from RDPWin.


  1. Statements

    1. Always Process Owner Statements on calendar Month Only
    2. If a Reservation Spans Months (912-2)

      1. Split Revenue Across Months

        1. Recommended
         Pay in the Departure Month.
    3. Share Travel Agent & Credit Card Fees with Owners (425-15)

      1. TA commission and CC fees are deducted before the Management Fee is Calculated.
    4. Bill owner for Working Balance.
  2. General
  3. Hawaii
  4. Res-related Charges

    1. Shared Expenses
    2. Non-shared Expenses
    3. Change Value Per Room or Room Type
  5. Interest and Late Fees

Add / Change Owner Master

  1. Contact information
    1. Owner Number vs. Room Number
  2. Owner Detail
    1. Owner Type
    2. Trust Account
    3. Property Code
    4. Date Purchased and Sold
    5. Contract Dates
  4. Notes
  5. Room
  6. Accounts
  7. Bills

Month-End Procedures

Click here for month-end procedure list.

Pay Owner Bills

  1. Pay a single bill (single invoice from a single vendor for a single owner - not tied to a work order (recurring or repetitive invoices).
  2. Pay All Bills.
    1. Add accounts
    2. Pay all accounts

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