Support Training Document - Sample End of Shift Checklist


End of Shift Checklist

  1. Print the following reports from Reporter's Front Desk folder where Shift = the shift being closed, Initials = the user's initials, and Date = the current system date:

    1. ShiftPayment.rpt
    2. ShiftCharges.rpt
  2. Note  Do not post any payments or charges once reports are printed.

  3. Balance cash drawer to the ShiftPayment report.  When errors exist, use F3 Find Res to locate and correct the problem.  REPRINT REPORT ONCE FOLIOS ARE CORRECT.
  4. Balance tickets/receipts to the ShiftCharges.  When errors exist, use F3 Find Res to locate and correct the problem.  REPRINT REPORT ONCE FOLIOS ARE CORRECT.
  5. Once BOTH drawers have balanced, select Close Shift from the Reservations | Options submenu.
  6.  Put Shift Payment report along with cash and checks in bank drop envelope.

Front Desk Shift Report

Cashier's Shift Report
From RDP ShiftPayment.rpt
Cash/Check Count  
Less Starting Bank  
Ending Bank  
Less Cash Total from RDP  
Less Check Total from RDP  
Net Over/Short  
BANK DEPOSIT (#3 Total)  

Prepared By:                                                  Date:                        

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