Support Training Document - System Administrators


  • To have an understanding of RDPWin
  • Be able to update, configure, and administer RDPWin
  • Configure and maintain the RDPWin Monitor service and understand e-mail functions


RDPWin is another program accessing your database. RDPWin has new functionality that requires additional understanding and configuration. Included in RDPWin are the following improvements:

  • New modules (Work Order, Enhanced Housekeeping, CRM).
  • Improved reservation processes.
  • Expanded deposit and cancellation procedures.
  • Expanded security levels.
  • New management tools (Reservation Analysis, Statistics, Accounting).
  • Improved and expanded e-mail capabilities.
  • Additional switches.
  • Improved Help section.

System Overview

  • Installation and Updates

    • RDPWin is a work-in-progress. Enhancements are constantly being added.
    • Always update RDPWin, RDP-DOS, and IRM at the same time.
    • When installing the RDPWin server executable file, always have all users exit the RDPWin system.
    • Always install the RDPWin server executable either at the server or by a remote connection to the server.
    • Confirm the correct file paths when installing the server program.
    • There is a downloadable RDPWin client .msi file that will allow a system administrator to "push" the client installation file to all client computers making the installation process less cumbersome. RDP support cannot assist you with a .msi file installation. You must enlist the help of a network engineer with knowledge in this area.
    • Server and client versions must match.
    • RDPWin server is designed for and tested on a Windows 2003 server.
    • The RDPWin client is designed for and tested on Windows XP workstations with at least 3.0 GHz processors and 1 gigabyte of RAM.
  • Login and Logout

    • Similar to RDP-DOS login screen
    • License/Serial Number
    • Station Number
    • RDPWinpath.txt file exists on the c:\ drive of each client workstation.
    • Multiple resorts
  • RDPWin screens
    • System Messages/User Messages
    • Tool Bar

      • Function Keys
      • Find Reservation
      • Custom Help
      • New Reservation
      • Arrivals
      • In-House
      • Departures
      • Owners
    • Icons only
    • Move toolbar
    • Lock toolbar
  • Drop-down menus
  • Option/Navigation menus
  • Status bar
  • Grids and tabs

    • Column Choices (Owner List)
    • Double-click editing (Arrivals List)
    • Expander (Housekeeping Boards)
    • Filter (Owner List – State)
    • Find Assistant
    • Group Columns (Owner List – Drag State)
    • Pin (Reservation Analysis – Reservation Number)
    • Reorder Columns
    • Row Selector (Housekeeping Boards)
    • Sort (In-House Departure Date)
    • Summation (Reservation Analysis)
    • Right-click Menu (Owner List)
    • Tabs
  • Help
  • Menu security
    • Sub-menu security
    • UI security
    • System security
  • System Configuration
  • Switches
  • Comment labels
  • File utilities
    • Change RTF files

RDPWin Monitor

The RDPWin monitor looks for new reservations and automatically sends e-mail confirmations to reservations based on configured settings. This task is performed by the RDPWin monitor, a windows service that should always be running in the background.

The RDPWin Monitor service should be installed and run on the data server. Once the e-mail configuration settings are configured in RDPWin, the service should be configured to start automatically when the server boots up. The service can be manually stopped and restarted via RDPWin or using the windows service console.

  • Configuration Settings
    • Check For New Reservations (Seconds)
    • Send E-mail Confirmations
    • E-mail error notifications to
    • Enable logging of successful e-mail confirmations
    • Grid
    • Reservation source
    • IRM monitor settings
  • Reporter Configuration
    • Confirmation Settings
    • Confirmation Associations

Exercise #1 - Menu Security

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 02 Condo-Hotel as User with no password.
  2. Select System-Menu Security
  3. Set Security on the Accounting Tab to 75 and save.
  4. Set Security in the System menu on rate plans to 75 and save.
  5. Close the menu security section and log out of RDPWin.
  6. Log in to RDPWin as the user "Front", with a password of "Front".
  7. Are you able to see the accounting tab?
  8. Are you able to change rate plans?

Exercise #2 - Comment Labels

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 02 Condo-Hotel as User with no password.
  2. Select System – Comment Labels.
  3. Select the Owner Master.
  4. Change the label for Comment # 2 to be (Preferred Airline). Save the configuration change.
  5. Go to Owners - Find. Type in Owner 101A into the Owner # field. Double-click on Owner 101A to view the detail for that owner.
  6. Select the comments tab.
  7. How does the comment #2 label read?

Exercise #3 - RDPWin Monitor Configuration

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 02 Condo-Hotel as User with no password.
  2. Select System – RDPWin Monitor – Configuration.
  3. Change the setting to check for new reservations every 30 seconds.
  4. Change the setting to e-mail error notifications to reservations@resortdata.com.
  5. For paying guest reservations, select the option to send e-mails automatically for reservations made in RDP-DOS, RDPWin, and on the IRM.
  6. Save the settings that were changed.

Exercise #4 - Reporter Configuration

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 02 Condo-Hotel as User with no password.
  2. Select Reporter – Configuration – Confirmation Settings.
  3. Double-click on the New Res option.
  4. Change the default "from" e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  5. Change the blind cc e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  6. Change the subject field to "Your Reservation # is ".
  7. Select the checkbox to add the reservation number to the subject line.
  8. Enter the following text for the e-mail confirmation body:  "Please review the attached document for the detail of your reservation. Thank you for making a reservation with Resort Data Processing, Inc."
  9. Save the configuration changes.

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