Support Training Document - Rates & Packages


  • Review RDP rate and package structures.
  • Demonstrate rate and package building in RDPWin.
  • Introduce new rate features specific to RDPWin.


RDPWin has integrated nearly all of the Rates & Packages features from RDP-DOS

  • Rate structure remains the same
  • Ease of rate building when based on fixed increments
  • Ease of changing existing rates
  • New features: Rate Plan Patterns and Best Available Rate
  • Improved Cutoff Display


Rate Plan Patterns
Predefine a pattern of rate plans over a defined or repeating number of nights. Once defined, is relatively maintenance free.
Best Available Rate
Create a single rate choice comprised of varying predefined rate plans for specific dates. Must be maintained as dates pass.
Activity Code
Defines which golf courses and associated fees are available in a golf package plan.  Codes/courses are set up in VZ table.
Season Surcharge
Allows a fixed rate change over a date range for a rate plan or package without impacting the C3 table. Rule flags can limit the surcharge to Weekend or Holiday stays.

System | Rates Menu Items

  • Rate Plan
  • Room Rate Sets
  • Components
  • Best Available Rates
  • Rate Patterns
  • Rate Plan Cutoffs

Rate Structure

  • Room Rate Set

    • Variables:  Room Type, People Settings, Seasons
    • Fixed: Code (four characters)
    • Flexible:  Description, G/L Code, Season Table, Tax Category
  • Room Only Rate Plan

    • Conditions to use

      • Code/Description
      • People Patterns
      • Rate Set
      • Sequence
      • Market Code
      • Activity Code
      • Start/End Dates
      • Group Only
      • Allow Override
      • Season Surcharge (Table C5)
      • Min/Max Nights
      • IRM:  Show, Only
      • Starting Day
    • Keyword
    • Calculation
  • Components

    • Variables: Room Type and Seasons
    • Fixed:  Code (four characters)
    • Flexible:  Description, Season Table, G/L Account, Bucket, Frequency, Multiplier by People
  • Packages

    • Structure is the same as Room Only Rate Plan with the addition of Components

      • Many rate set records combine to one Room Rate Set
      • One Room Rate Set can be used by many Rate Plans or Rate Packages
      • Many component records combine to make one Component
      • One Component can be used by many Rate Packages

Build Rates

  • Room Rate Set.  Traditionally, you must make each record separately.  The result is the same, but the method has changed.
    • System | Rates | Rate Sets | Add
    • Click Add
    • Define Defaults
    • Select Room Type

      • Defaults populate but can be changed
    • Select increments

      • Start.  The number at which the records start.  When higher than the base, the base still controls the rate.
      • Maximum.  The highest possible number.  You can lower the maximum from the people pattern.  Numbers higher than the people pattern are not defined.
      • Extra Person Charge.  Increment amount from Base Rate defined below.
      • Base.  The price listed in the seasons below is for the Base number of people.
    • Select seasons in use and enter base amount
    • Generate Rates
    • Verify and save.

      • Rates can be modified directly after generating rates as well - save
  • Modify existing Room Rate Set

    • System | Rates | Rate Sets | Change
    • Select Room Type from drop-down
    • Modify and generate rates or select DATA tab and make changes.
    • Save

Build Room Only Rate Plans

  • New Room Only Rate Plan

    • System | Rates | Rate Plan
    • Click Add
    • Select Type with radio button
    • Enter Code
    • Enter Description (18 characters)
    • Select Plan conditions
    • Some can be added on the fly
    • Save
  • Modifying Room Only Rate Plan

    • System | Rates | Rate Plan
    • Find Rate.

      • R-Room-only, V-Package, D-Lowest, P-Pattern
    • Modify as needed
    • Save


  • Add Components

    • System | Rates | Components
    • Click Add
    • Enter Code
    • Enter Description (18 characters)
    • Select variables/flexible information
    • Be careful when selecting buckets.  All are available, but not all are relevant.

      • Components are multitasking (packages, itinerary, other charges)
      • Use only Buckets 0, 1, 2, or 3
    • Select Daily, Once, or Percentage
    • People multiplier is the same as in DOS
  • Change Components

    • System | Rates | Components
    • Click Find or just type
    • Change where necessary
    • Save


  • Add Package Plan

    • System | Rates | Rate Plan
    • Click Add
    • Select Type with radio button
    • Enter Code
    • Enter Description (18 characters)
    • Some can be added on the fly
    • Add Components
    • Select Components from drop-down
    • Add more as needed
    • Save
  • Change Package Plan

    • System | Rates | Rate Plan
    • Click Find
    • Enter information or Find

      • R-Room Only, V-Package, D-Lowest, P-Pattern
    • Change where necessary
    • Save

Rate Plan Pattern

Predefine a pattern of rate plans over a defined or repeating number of nights.  Once defined, patterns are relatively maintenance free.

  • System | Rates | Rate Plan Patterns
  • Equivalent to Room Rate Set
  • Top section is for defining display parameters
    • Add or Find from drop-down
    • Select Room Type or All
    • Begin/End Nights
  • Click Display
  • Click Add Rate Plan Pattern
  • 1st Column: Select Room Type or All
  • 2nd Column: Select Default or Number of Nights

    • Use default for a repeating pattern
    • Use number of nights to restrict to specific nights=pattern
  • Remaining Columns: Define which Rate Plan is applicable
  • Check boxes

    • Show Defaults – displays Defaults and specific Number of Nights
    • Include Descriptions – more information
  • Save
  • Once the pattern is complete, a plan must be defined as in Room Only Rate Plans

Best Available Rates

Create a single rate choice comprised of varying predefined rate plans for specific dates. Must be maintained as dates pass.

  • System| Rates | Best Available Rate
  • Equivalent to Room Rate Set
  • Top section is for defining display parameters

    • Add or Find from drop-down
    • Select Room Type or All
    • Starting/Ending Dates
  • Click Display
  • Click Add Rate-Date Set
  • 1st Column: Select Room Type or All
  • Remaining Columns: Define which Rate Plan is applicable for each date
  • Check boxes

    • Include Descriptions – more information
  • Save
  • Once the definitions is complete, a plan must be defined as in Room Only Rate Plans

Rate Plan Cutoffs

  • System | Rates | Rate Plan Cutoffs
  • Select Rate Plan from drop-down
  • Select beginning date to display
  • Click Display Cut-offs
  • At bottom, select beginning date of cut-off
  • Select ending date of cut-off, which would be the departure date, similar to group blocks
  • Enter the percentage at which the rate is cut-off
    • When my occupancy reaches X%, cut-off this rate plan
  • Click Update Cutoff
  • Can display and modify Agent cutoffs as well

Exercise #1 - Add Rate Set

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 02 Condo-Hotel as User with no password.
  2. Select System: Rates: Rate Sets: Add
  3. Create new Rate Set SPEC, using season table C3, any GL, and standard taxes
  4. Create Rate Set with the following rules
    1. Room Type 1B
    2. Each extra adult is $10
    3. Each extra teenager is $5
    4. Each extra child is $2
    5. Season A for up to 2 people $100/night
    6. Season B for up to 2 people $120/night
    7. Season C for up to 2 people $150/night
  5. Generate Rates
  6. What is the C season rate for 2 Adults & 3 Children?
  7. What is the B season rate for 1 Adult, 1 Teen, & 4 Children?
  8. How would you change the default GL on the Rate Set SPEC?

Exercise #2 - Add Room Only Rate Plan

  1. Select System: Rates: Rate Plan
  2. Select Add
  3. Select Room Only Rate Plan
  4. Define Rate Plan Code and Description
  5. Use Rate Set created in Exercise #1
  6. How would you limit the availability of this rate to the month of June 2007?
  7. How would you make this rate available only on the IRM?
  8. How would you stop reservationist from overriding the rates?

Exercise #3 - Add Package Components

  1. Log in to RDPWin, directory 02 Condo-Hotel as User with no password.
  2. Select System – RDPWin Monitor – Configuration.
  3. Change the setting to check for new reservations every 30 seconds.
  4. Change the setting to e-mail error notifications to reservations@resortdata.com.
  5. For paying guest reservations, select the option to send e-mails automatically for reservations made in RDP-DOS, RDPWin, and on the IRM.
  6. Save the settings that were changed.

Exercise #4 - Add Package Plan

  1. Log into RDPWin using the 02 Condo-Hotel directory as User with no password.
  2. Select Reporter – Configuration – Confirmation Settings.
  3. Double-click on the New Res option.
  4. Change the default "From" e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  5. Change the blind cc e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  6. Change the subject field to "Your Reservation # is ".
  7. Select the checkbox to add the reservation number to the subject line.
  8. Enter the following text for the e-mail confirmation body: "Please review the attached document for the detail of your reservation. Thank you for making a reservation with Resort Data Processing, Inc.".
  9. Save

Exercise #5 - Create Rate Plan Pattern

  1. Log into RDPWin using the 02 Condo-Hotel directory as User with no password.
  2. Select Reporter – Configuration – Confirmation Settings.
  3. Double-click on the New Res option.
  4. Change the default "From" e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  5. Change the blind cc e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  6. Change the subject field to "Your Reservation # is ".
  7. Select the checkbox to add the reservation number to the subject line.
  8. Enter the following text for the e-mail confirmation body:  "Please review the attached document for the detail of your reservation. Thank you for making a reservation with Resort Data Processing, Inc.".
  9. Save

Exercise #6 - Add Best Available Rate

  1. Log into RDPWin using the 02 Condo-Hotel directory as User with no password.
  2. Select Reporter – Configuration – Confirmation Settings.
  3. Double-click on the New Res option.
  4. Change the default "From" e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  5. Change the Blind CC e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  6. Change the subject field to "Your Reservation # is ".
  7. Select the checkbox to add the reservation number to the subject line.
  8. Enter the following text for the e-mail confirmation body: "Please review the attached document for the detail of your reservation. Thank you for making a reservation with Resort Data Processing, Inc.".
  9. Save


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