RDPWin Revision (Released 03/30/2022)

Not all revisions of RDP software products are released to customers.  When the Updates page offers a revision different from those detailed on this page, view the Revisions Index to see what was new in the prior releases.


Reporter | Reports | Res | Vacation Protection
A new report, Vacation Protection has been added the Res folder. The report is based on Travel Guard's requirements for Vacation Protection purchases. The report prompts for transaction date range, product code and account number.
Reporter | Reports | Rooms | ReservationsByRoomNumber
The ReservationsByRoomNumber report has been updated. This report now reads both HReserve (future, in-house and active) and Bookhist (non-active), eliminating the need to run the ReservationsNonActiveByRoomNumber report. ReservationsNonActiveByRoomNumber has been removed from the standard set of reports.

Switch 421-77: Use Specific Directories when Attaching Owner Specific Files

Owners | Owner Configuration | Statements tab
Enable this feature if managing multiple RDP directories, have owners with the same owner number in these directories, and wish to attach owner-specific files when emailing owner statements.

To configure open Windows Explorer and add subfolders to the \RDP\Attachments folder that match the RDP data directories. For example, if the data directories are RDP01, RDP02, and RDP03 then create the following \RDP\Attachments\RDP01, \RDP\Attachments\RDP02, and \RDP\Attachments\RDP03.

When saving the owner-specific file, select the appropriate folder for which that owner belongs.

To activate the feature go to Owners | Owner Configuration | Statements tab and check Use separate Attachments folder per directory for Owner Specific files (421-77)

Change Group Reservations

Reservations | Group Reservations | Change Group Res

Other Charges have been added to the list of available fields that can be added, updated, or deleted using Res Group Change.

Change Group Res has been added to the Reservation Options panel accessed from Reservations | Navigation, F6 Arrivals, F7 In-House, F8 Departures, and F9 Tape Chart

For more information, review the complete feature detail at Change Group Reservations