System - Logon E-mail Addresses

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Define each logon’s e-mail address. When sending e-mails in Reporter and Custom Help, the system enters the appropriate return e-mail address in the "From" field.  The system uses the e-mail address in the following order: by user logon, by e-mail address based on e-mail type (set on the individual tabs of Reporter Configuration), and then the system default e-mail address (set on the E-mail tab of Reporter Configuration).  These are stored in the PW and PX tables.

Click to add a row to the grid.  Hover in the Logon field to display the drop-down arrow and select from the existing list of logons.  Tab or click into the E-mail address field to enter the address the system considers the "From" address.  Click Save or "Save & Close" to file the changes or click Close to exit without saving.
To delete, select the appropriate row and press <Delete> on the keyboard or right-click and select "Delete Selected Row".  Click Save or "Save & Close" to file the changes or click Close to exit without saving.

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