Stats - Generate Forecast


Forecast future reservation statistics on demand. This is required prior to running any forecast-related reports so that the latest and most up-to-date information is reflected on those reports.  The system reviews future reservations in preparation for reporting purposes.

During the process, statistical detail flashes in the Delete Records, Room, Reservation, Transaction, and Group Block fields.  This detail serves only as a status of the process.  When the process is finished, the system prompts with "Processing has completed".  Click OK to close the form and return to the previous screen.  To view the forecast in detail, click Reporter in the main menu and print the desired reports.

Note:  Occupied Count = Room Value in UNITS.DAT.  RDPWin gets the People count from the package transaction.  For reservations without packages (owner, comp, etc.), the people count from the reservation is used.

Count O, G, B, E, and T Type Owner Reservations in Stats (Switch 420-13)
When set to Yes, the Occupied Count is "1" for each night of the reservation and the Room Departure Count is "1" on the departure day.  When set to No, the Occupied Count is always zero and the Room Departure Count is always zero on the departure day.
Ending Date
Select a date from the calendar or enter the date directly into the date field.  The forecast is run for future dates between the current system date and the date entered in this field.
Forecast Group Blocks Not Picked Up
When checked, any group blocks that have not yet been actually reserved by group members are considered when the forecast is generated.

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