Reservations - Group Reservations

For more information, review detail at:

Groups & Conferences Overview (RDP's Website)
Reservation Tutorials

Wholesalers - Blocks without Leaders

Wholesalers continually send individuals with different dates throughout the year. Billing is handled by the wholesaler and rooms are booked from a block for a month at a time so release dates apply.  No group leader is required; but a group master is necessary.

Use the New Reservations - Paying Guest option to make individual reservations as needed.  Select the Group Master (wholesaler) from the New Reservation screen's Find button and set the Pay Code to RT (room and tax including packages).

The format of the reservations would resemble this example:

  1. Create the group master.  Set the arrival and departure dates for the month, the Pay Code to RT, check the Use a Group Block and "Allow Group Members to Bill Group" boxes, and set the rate plans.  Don't save yet.
  2. Click the Room Blocks button to create the Wholesaler Sample room blocks.  The Starting Date is already set to the group's arrival and departure dates.  Select the block room types at the bottom of the screen, enter the number of that room type to allocate to the block, and click Add.  The Subtract button allows rooms to be removed from the block.  As room types are added, the Room Blocks grid updates and shows the WHOLE group in addition to any other blocks.  For this example, add five 1BRs and five 2BRs to the WHOLE block.  Click Close and then Save & Close on the Add Group Master screen when complete.
  3. Make the reservations using the regular New Reservation "Paying Guest" process.  Set the Arrival, Nights, and Departure dates to the desired date(s).  Select Room Type.  It is important to set dates first, since the group master may or may not have dates on record.  Click Make Res to complete the process.
  4. From the Change Reservations screen, enter the guest's contact information, set the Guaranteed box since wholesalers pay up front, and confirm the Transfer to Group Pay Code is set to RT (pulled from the Group Master).  Save and repeat for all reservations given by the wholesaler.

  5. Make the reservation, include any contact or other information on the Change Reservation screen and save.  Select This Res to view the new reservation in the grid.  Since there is no leader number created when reservations bill directly to the master and reservations have multiple arrival/departure dates, the reservations are basically individual reservation billing the wholesaler.  Since the reservations are not really connected in any way other than the wholesaler billing, the "Show Entire Group" button is not available.
  6. To view the reservations for the WHOLE group master, select Groups and Find from the Master main menu.  Enter WHOLE in the Group# field and click the associated Find button.  Once WHOLE's group is displayed, click the Reservations tab.  The list is displayed in arrival date order by default.  These six are simply different reservations staying at the property and billing the wholesaler.  No group leaders are assigned. 

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