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Room types are managed in the Room Type Configuration screen. Add the new room type, then update the room master with the new type. Once all rooms are updated, run Reset Availability to update availability.
The Room Type Configuration screen combines following tables, for a one-stop location for all room type configuration:
- C2 - Room Type Validation Table
- LZ - Room Type Lockoff Pattern Table
- S1 - Default People Pattern Table
Add Room Type
Note: If certain fields explained in the instructions below do not display, then the corresponding module is not installed or the certain feature is not in use. The instructions use the term "Room." If the label "Room" has been changed to "Unit," "Villa," "Cabin," "Site," "Boat," etc., the menu options will change as well.
- In RDPWin, go to the Master main menu --> Rooms --> Room Type Config.
- Click the Add button.
- Enter the six character or less room type code in the Room Type field. This can be alphanumeric.
- If using lock-offs, see the Lockoffs instructions on how to configure lockoffs.
- Enter the description of the room type in the Description field. This field allows up to 24 alphanumeric characters.
- If property codes are in use, select the appropriate code from the Property Code drop down.
- A clean service can be assigned to the room type. Note: if a clean service is selected, it will override the housekeeping configuration. If the room type should follow the service type configurations, do not select anything in this field.
- If the room type should show on the IRM, check the Display on IRM box.
- The Show One Room field is designed for properties using preassigned reservations on the IRM.Net. When checked, only one room from the room type will display on the IRM.Net, making it appear to assign the guest just the room type.
- If using the Central Reservations module, check the Show in Central Res box if room type should display in the central availability.
- If using room type sequences to order the room types, enter the sequence numbers.
- Enter the base people in the Base field. This is number of occupants that the rates are generally based on, such as 2 for double occupancy.
- Enter the minimum people allowed in the room in the S1 Minimum field.
- Enter the maximum people allowed in the room in the S1 Maximum field.
- If the room type has a minimum stay required for the IRM, enter that in the Minimum Stay for IRM field.
- If the room type has a maximum stay allowed for the IRM, enter that in the Maximum Stay for IRM field. If no maximum is required, the field should be set to 0.
- Click the Save button.
Change the Room Type of an Existing Room Master
- Go to the Masters main menu --> Rooms --> Change.
- Enter the room number to change.
- In the Room Type field, select the new room type from the list.
- Sometimes the Hskpg Comment on the room master includes information on the room type or size. Update the Hskpg Comment field when necessary.
- Click Save & Close, which displays a warning:
Click OK. - Update any preferences that need to changed now that room is a different type.
- Run Reset Availability from the Night Audit or Day End menu.
Note: Reset Availability displays a number of errors "XXX" representing the number of active reservations on which the room type changed from the old room type associated with the reservation to the new room type now associated with the reservation.
- Print
- When viewing the Change form in Activity Vendors, click the printer icon to print the screen as displayed (including the tab displayed and active).
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