Masters - Owners - Add

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Add Owner Master

Add an owner master record to the property's database.  Select Masters, and then Owners from the main menu.  Click Add.  Enter the owner master number and name (the only required fields).  The number may be up to eight alphanumeric characters.  Do not use spaces in the number for any of the masters.  For whole owner condominiums/houses, the room number can be used for the owner number.  For timeshare owners, the week number may be included as part of the number.  At entry, the owner's balance due is zero, and there are no transactions.

available when changing an agent master are: Owner Detail, Comments, Notes, Transactions, Reservations, Work Orders, Room, Accounts, Bills, and Changes.

When R6 Timeshare & Interval Ownership is installed, the Owner Weeks tab and Dates Owned tab are also available.

When viewing the Change screen, click the printer icon to print the screen as displayed (including the tab displayed and active).


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