Masters - 3-Way Owner Revenue Split

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.


RDPWin has the ability to split revenue between three different entities.  For example, configure the system to split owner revenue as 50% to the management company, 47% to the owner, and 3% to the Home Owners Association.  Follow the steps below to configure a 3-way split.

  1. Create a general ledger account for the third split by selecting Add from the Accounting | G/L Accounts submenu.
  2. Create a transaction code for the third split on the B7 City Ledger by selecting Add from the Accounting | Transactions submenu.
  3. Configure the C7 table as follows:

    1. Select Table Maintenance from the System main menu.
    2. Enter C7 or select C7 from the Table drop-down list.
    3. Select or add the corresponding subrecord (OA, OB, etc.).
    4. The "Percent of Room Charge" must equal the following (owner portion + 3rd Split):

      1. A 47% owner and 3% HOA fee split would be 47 + 3 = 50%.
  4. Enable the third split by checking the "Enable Non-shared Charges Based on Net Revenue When Processing" checkbox on the Owners | Configuration | Res Related Charges tab.
  5. Configure the Non-shared Net Expenses:

    1. Click the "Configure Non-shared Charges" link on the Owners | Configuration | Res Related Charges tab.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Select the transaction code created for the split.  See Step 2.
    4. Check the "In Use" and "Use on Net Rev" checkboxes for the code.
    5. Save & Close.
  6. Configure the values:
    1. Click the "Change Value Per Room or Room Type" link on the Owners | Configuration | Res Related Charges tab.
    2. Click Display.
    3. Click the "Add Owner Charge" button.
    4. Select the transaction code created for the split.  See Step 2.

      1. When the split varies by room type, select Room Type.  Otherwise, select All.
      2. Enter the percentage for the split in the Amount column.
      3. Add another owner charge and select the split transaction code again when the variances are by room type or room number.
      4. Save & Close.
  7. Test the configuration by reviewing a month-end owner process.  Create a new demo by creating a reservation with a $100 room charge.
  8. The split details show under Owner Processing: not Res Related Charges.


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