Masters - Owners - Audit Report

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Owner Audit Report

This report is designed for internal use only. When selected, the Owners Audit Report form prompts for a starting owner number, ending owner number, starting statement date, and the ending statement date.  If this option is selected while viewing the analysis grid and an owner is selected in that grid, the starting and ending owner numbers are automatically completed.

Click here for a sample of the actual report

Click this button to view the report using the Reporter module.  The first time a report is previewed, the initial time to bring up the report is longer than any of the following preview requests.
Click to send the defined report to the printer.
Starting and Ending Date
The Starting Statement Date always defaults to the first date of the current RDP year and the Ending Statement Date to the current RDP date.  Any date can be selected by using the drop-down calendar feature.
Starting and Ending Owner Number
When running the audit report, enter a range of owner numbers for a batch of owners or enter the same number in both fields to run the report for just one owner.

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