Masters - Travel Agents - Flat Rate


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Assign a flat rate to a travel agent for all reservations or on a per reservation basis.  To create a flat rate commission code:

  1. Access Table Maintenance from the System main menu.
  2. Select Table C7 - Rate Codes - Tax, Comm., Owner, etc.
  3. Click the Add Code button.
  4. Enter CF as the Code (C for Commission and F for Flat).
  5. Set "Flat TA Commission" to Y for Yes.
  6. "Percent of Room Charge" holds the actual flat amount (not a percentage).  Enter that amount here such as 10.00. 
  7. Enter the "Description" holds the text that actually shows in the rate list such as "Flat Commission $10" and is limited to 20 alphanumeric characters.
  8. Set Look Qualifier to C.
  9. Click Save.
Once the flat commission is in the system, the flat rate can be assigned to an agent (1) for all reservations made by that agent using the Agent Master Commission Code on the Agent Detail tab.

or (2) on a single reservation suing the Agent Code on the Reservation - Agents tab,

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