How To - Front Desk - Refund Forfeit Deposit or Cancellation Fee from Cancelled Reservations

The forfeit deposit or cancellation fee on a cancelled reservation can be removed in order to return the money to the guest in the form of a refund, held on a account for future use, or transferred to another reservations by using the Un-Cancel from the Options. The reservation must be in active history.. If the reservations has transferred to non-active history, go to the Reservations main menu --> Transfer to History --> Transfer 1 Res FROM Non-Active History button.


How To Refund Forfeit Deposit or Cancellation Fee from Cancelled Reservations:

  1. In RDPWin, click the F3 Find Res button or hit the F3 key on the keyboard to search for the cancelled reservation.
  2. Enter the guest's last name or reservation number in the Guest Name or Reservation Number field.
  3. Click the Un-cancel option from the left side.
  4. Determine if the reservation will be refunded, held on account, transferred, or uncancelled.
    • If refunding all or part of the deposit,
      1. Click the Refund options from the left side.
      2. Select the type of refund and the amount.
      3. Click Process Refund.
      4. Verify the refund amount is correct and click Yes through the dialog box to continue.
      5. Click the Cancel option from the left side to cancel the reservation. Enter the cancellation reason and click Save.
    • If holding the advance deposit on the cancelled reservation for future use,
      1. Click the Cancel option from the left side.
      2. Enter the cancellation reason.
      3. For the Select Refund Options, choose the radio button for None.
      4. Select the radio button Held Deposit.
      5. Click Save. The reservation will remain a cancelled reservation on the advance deposit ledger until future action is taken.
    • If transferring the deposit,
      1. Click Transfer from the Options list on the left side --> select Deposit/Payment.
      2. Enter the amount that will be transferred to another reservation.
      3. Enter the reservation number or click the Find button to search for the reservation to transfer the payment.
      4. Click the Process Transfer button.
      5. Click the Cancel option from the left side to cancel the reservation. Enter the cancellation reason and click Save.
    • If uncancelling or reinstating the reservation, no additional steps are needed.


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Last Updated 11/27/2012

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