How To - Groups - Group Rooming List


  1. In RDPWin, go to the Reservations menu --> Groups Reservations --> Rooming List
  2. Find the group leader by enter the name or reservation and click the Find button.
  3. Click in the Guest Name field for the first reservation and enter the guest's name.
  4. If an email address is needed, click or tab into the Email Address field.
  5. To move quickly through the list of reservations, use the tab key and enter the next guest's name.
  6. If rooms should be assigned to the group or the reservation needs to change rooms, select the reservation and click the Available Rooms button at the bottom.
  7. If Sharewiths are needed, select the reservation and click the Add Sharewith button at the bottom.
  8. If the dates need adjusting, select the reservation and click the Arrival or Departure field drop down for the calendar and select the new dates.
  9. To print a list of the rooms, right click on the grid and select Print Grid.
  10. Once the names and information have been entered, click the Save & Close button to complete the changes.

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Last Updated 01/24/2013

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