Work Order - Add Work Orders

Work Orders & Asset Management (RZ) module required.

Add Work Order

  1. In RDPWin, go to the Work Order main menu --> Add Work Order.
  2. Select the priority from the Priority drop down.
  3. Select the work order category from the Type drop down.
  4. The Taken By field will populate the with logon name of the user logged in. Change this is if needed.
  5. In the From field, select the who is reporting the issue.
  6. In the Reported field, select when the work order was reported, Check-in, Check-out, During Stay, Pre-Arrival, or Owner Request.
  7. If the work should begin a specified date in the future, enter that date and time. If not, the system will default to the current date and time.
  8. Select the room number of location of the work order request in the Location field.
  9. If a reservation is in the room, the reservation number appears in the Res # field. If a reservation is found that not in the room number selected above, the system will prompt to change locations to the room the reservation is assigned.
  10. If assets are assigned to the selected location and need to be fixed, select from the Asset to Fixed drop down.
  11. Enter the description of the work order in the Description field.

The remaining steps are optional. Note: If the work order is not assigned a Vendor, it can found in the Work Order Monitor under New work orders. Once is it assigned a Vendor, the work order can be found in the Work Order Monitor under Open Work Orders.

  1. If assigning the work order, select the vendor from the Vendor drop down.
  2. If billing the work order, select the billing method. The default is configured on the Vendor Master. The Invoice radio button allows an invoice number and invoice amount to added to the work order. This can be billed to the owner or reservation. Payables to the vendor can be generated for invoices. If Time and Materials is selected, the amount of time and price of materials can be entered to bill to the owner or reservation. The hourly rate can be calculated based on the amount of time and hourly rate of the vendor.
  3. If the Vendor has a contact that should be assigned to the work order, select the Contact from the drop down.
  4. Enter the Assigned Date and Time if different than the current date and time.
  5. Enter any additional notes or comments on the work order from the appropriate tabs.
  6. Save and Close.


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Last Updated 3/26/2012