Work Order - Vendors - Audit Time Sheets

(Work Orders & Asset Management (RZ) module required.)


The Audit Time Sheets program allows users to audit and approve the time sheets for work orders. Each work order can be reviewed from one screen to make sure the charges and time spent are correct before posting the payable to vendor account.

Work orders with time spent are displayed in the grid to be changed or approved. If the work order does not have any time entered, it will not be displayed. Once the transaction has been posted to the vendor, it no longer displays on the audit screen.

Note: The time sheet feature must be enabled by setting switch 419-25 to Yes.

Audit Time Sheets

  1. In RDPWin, go to the Work Order main menu --> Vendors --> Audit Time Sheets.
  2. Select the vendor to audit from the Vendor drop down.
  3. Select the Employee if applicable for auditing the time sheet.
  4. Click the Display button. All work orders with time spent for that vendor and employee that have not been already posted to the vendor account will be displayed.
  5. If the transaction code was not selected previously on the Time tab of the work order or on the Time Sheet screen, select that from the Tx Code drop down. Transactions are posted to the B8 - Work Order Vendor Ledger.If the transaction code was created with an amount enter, that will be considered the hourly rate, and it will post that amount. If it was created with a zero amount, then the hourly rate on the work order will display.
  6. If adjustments are needed to the Start Date, Start Time, Time Spent, or Hourly Rate place the cursor in the appropriate field and make the change.
  7. To make a change to the work order, click the work order number from the Work Order # column. This brings up the work order in the change mode.
  8. Once the work orders have been reviewed and the information is correct, place a check in the Approved box next to the work order.
  9. Click the Save button. This posts the transaction to vendor account on the B8 ledger.

For information about adding time sheet information, see Time Sheet Entry.


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