Exporting to Microsoft Excel

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Exporting to Excel is an option available for grids throughout the RDPWin system. To export to Excel:

  1. Click the export link from Options or right-click and select Export to Excel.
  2. Select the location to save the spreadsheet and give the document a name.
  3. Click the Save button.  The system prompts to open the document once the save is complete.

    Click Yes to open Excel (when not already running on the workstation) and display the new document.  Click No to continue in RDPWin without viewing the Excel document.
  4. To open the file later, after saving and without opening Excel automatically during the initial save, open Excel from the Windows Start menu.
  5. Click File in the main menu and select Open.
  6. Double-click on the file saved in Step 2.
  7. Manipulate as needed. 

For detail on charting capabilities from Microsoft Excel, see Charting.

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