** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.
Analyze Reservations by Reservation Type
Analyze Reservations by Arrival Date
Analyze Reservations by Deposit Due Date
Add Columns to the Grid and Show Res Detail
Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated. At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down. It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked. If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.
By Reservation Type
- From the Reservations main menu, select Analysis. This feature can also be accessed from the Navigation page.
- The type field is highlighted. Select In-House from the drop-down list.
Note: Reservation types available for analysis are grouped as follows: (1) Future, (2) In-House, (3)Active History, (4) Future/In-House/Active History, and (5) Non-Active History.
- Click Display to populate the grid with all the current In-House reservations.
- To make sure all previous display settings are cleared, right-click and select Reset Grid Layout.
- Click the Departure column to sort the grid by departure date.
- Click the pin symbol (
) to move the Departure column to the far left of the grid. Notice the pin is now displayed vertically (
) to signify that the column is pinned into place.
- Click the epsilon (
) in the Nights column to open the summation options.
- Check the Count box to display the total number of reservations in the current grid. This information is displayed at the bottom of the grid, so scrolling may be necessary. The total count of reservations is also displayed in blue above the grid.
- Click the epsilon (
) in the Nights column again.
- Check the Sum box to display the total number of reservation nights for all current In-House reservations.
- Click the epsilon (
) in the Total $ column.
- Check the Sum box to display the total amount of reservation income for the In-House reservations displayed in the grid.
- From the reservation type drop-down, change the selection to Future.
- Click Display.
- The two rows above the grid are used to filter information in the grid. Hover in the top row within the Ty (type) column and select "Starts with".
- Hover in the second row within the Ty (type) column and select O from the list to display only owner reservations in the grid. All previous pinning, summation, etc., are still visible.
- Click Clear to set all search parameters back to their defaults and clear the grid completely.
- Click Start from the main menu.
By Arrival Date
- From the Reservations main menu, select Analysis.
- The type field is highlighted. Select Future from the drop-down list (if not already).
Note: Reservation types available for analysis are grouped as follows: (1) Future, (2) In-House, (3)Active History, (4) Future/In-House/Active History, and (5) Non-Active.
- The drop-down below the reservation type displays Guest Name when first entering Analysis. Select Arrival Date from the drop-down list.
- Click Display to populate the grid with all Future reservations by Arrival Date.
- Right-click and select Reset Grid Layout.
Note: Using the CCS demo files, the total number of reservations in the grid should be 201.
- The system displays a message "Click here to filter rows" to help identify the filtering area. Click anywhere in that area to replace that message with the filters for the first few columns.
- Hover or click the Arrival Date drop-down arrow in the first filter row and select "= equals".
- Hover or click the Arrival Date drop-down arrow in the second filter row and select (or enter) 03/05/98 to display only Future reservations due to arrive on March 5th, 1998.
- Click the epsilon (
) in the Nights column header and check the Count box to display the total number of reservations arriving on March 5th as displayed. The total count should be "4".
- Click Clear to set all search parameters back to their defaults and clear the grid completely.
- Click Start from the main menu.
By Deposit Due Date
- From the Reservations main menu, select Analysis.
- The type field is highlighted. Select Future from the drop-down list (if not already).
Note: Reservation types available for analysis are grouped as follows: (1) Future, (2) In-House, (3)Active History, (4) Future/In-House/Active History, and (5) Non-Active.
- The drop-down below the reservation type displays Guest Name when first entering Analysis. Select Deposit Due Date from that list.
- From the Start drop-down, select 03/01/98.
- From the End drop-down, select 03/14/98.
- Click Display. The grid should display three (3) reservations.
- Double-click any one of those reservations to open the Change Reservation screen. The Charge Summary tab is displayed in front by default. Notice the Due field for Deposit 1 displays the deposit due date between 03/01 and 03/14 as searched.
- Click Close.
- Click Clear to set all search parameters back to their defaults and clear the grid completely.
- Click Start from the main menu.
Add Columns to the Grid
- From the Reservations main menu, select Navigation page
- Click Analysis from the Navigation list.
- Select "Active History" from the reservation type drop-down list. The "Sort By" column is set to Guest Name by default.
- Click Display. Guest Name is the first column displayed in the grid.
- Click the Columns button (located above the grid).
- In the "Additional Columns" area, check the BalanceDue box to move BalanceDue to the "Current Columns" area.
- Click Save to return to the Analysis grid. Name is still the first column displayed, but now the newly added Bal Due column is second.
- Click the Columns button again.
- Scroll down the "Additional Columns" list and check the State box.
- Click Save to return to the Analysis grid. Name is still the first column displayed, but now the newly added State column is second and the previously added Bal Due is third.
- Click the Columns button once more.
- Click the Defaults button to reset the columns displayed in the Analysis grid to their original settings.
- Click Save. Name is still the first column displayed, but the Bal Due and State have been removed.
- Check the Show Res Detail box to display the detail tabs to allow for easy viewing of additional information for the selected reservation.
- Click Start from the main menu.
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