Crystal Reports

Canceled Reservations with Balance Due Report

Issue: When running the Canceled Reservations with Balance Due Report there may be a balance in the Master, Leader, FolioI, FolioA, or FolioB but the Reservation doesn't display because the Total Balance is 0.00

Resolution: Update to RDPWin5.3.001.42 or higher. Or you can download the updated version of this report here and save it to the Night Audit folder (\\RDPServer\RDPNT\RDP\Reports10\NightAudit).

The updated report will display the Reservations.

Calendar Not Available for Date Range Reports

When running a Crystal report in RDPWin, if the drop-down calendar does not appear when a date is needed, confirm that the "Pick from defaults" checkbox is unchecked.  When checked, the calendar is disabled.

Data Object Cannot Be Accessed Error

Go to to review an article on RDPWin & Peachtree Accounting.

Version Issues

When running a Crystal report in RDPWin, if "Query Engine Error" appears, this means that the report is a version 8.5 or earlier report and must be converted to Crystal 10.