System - Freeze Rates

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Select Freeze Rates from the System | Rates submenu (referred to in RDP-DOS as 990 (Option 5).   When a rate/rates is/are selected and Process is clicked, then the RatePlanOverride in the HExpense file AND the DailyChargeFlag in the HReserve file are set to "*".   Archived reservations in the BookHist files are not affected.

Freeze rates is used when the property has a rate change (increase or decrease) and allows properties to reuse seasons at the new rate.  For example, assume season A’s rate was 78.00/night and is being raised to 85.00/night.  In this example, freezing all reservations puts the manual rate override asterisk on all reservations with the selected rate plan.  Once the rates are frozen, RDPWin ignores all system rate tables and charges the frozen rate for the duration of the stay.

Once a rate has been frozen and requires an update at some point in the future, change the room number, room type; accept the new rates when prompted, and save.  Should the reservationist need to keep the room number or room type, then change the reservation back into the original room number or room type.  The system automatically assigns the updated rate set to the reservation and the freeze flag is removed from the folio. 

Note:  When the HExpense and HReserve files do not have a specified rate plan, the records are not updated.

Select one rate plan to specify a single rate plan or select All to freeze all existing rate plans.  Click Process, select yes at the warning to proceed with the freeze.


A package has room component of $108 and two adult dinner components of $20 each. When the rate plan is frozen, the override flag "*" is set and the total is $148.00 on the reservation.  If the dinner component is changed (select change from the Rates | Components submenu) to $60 ($30 each) before the reservation checks in, the reservation would still have a total of $148 because of the override flag.  The daily package amount does not update in the reservation folio to $168.00.

However, when the package is entered into the G/L accounts by Generate Totals, the system puts $60 in the dinner G/L account and the remaining $88 in the room revenue account.  Any changes to package components after freezing the rate also affects the room component of the package.

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