System - Rate Plans - Add

See How to Add Rate Plan

Rate Plans Components
Freeze Rates

Rate Patterns

Room Rate Sets

Best Available Rates

Rate Plan Cutoffs

Website Information

Rate Plans & Yield Management

Rate Plan Cutoffs



Click Add on the Rate Plan screen to open the "Add Rate Plan" screen.   Select the type of rate plan, enter the Rate Plan identification number (four characters), the Description, and when Daily Package is selected, the B2 Code.  Click OK to save and return to the Rate Plan screen to finish entering the detail.  The new rate plan is not saved until the Save or "Save & Close" button is clicked on the Rate Plan screen.

Room Only Rate Plan
See Room Only Rate Plan.
Daily Package
See Daily Package.  If the Daily Package option is selected, the B2 Code field is enabled for selection. The B2 code can only be used by one rate plan.  If all the B2 codes have been assigned, click the Add button next to the B2 code drop-down to create a new one. Click OK when finished to return to the Rate Plan form.  Once Rate Plan is entered and system returns to the Rate Plan screen, enter at least one component before saving the information. To enter a component, first select a Rate Set.  Once selected, the "Add Component" button appears on the grid.  Click Add Component to add a new row to the grid select a component.
Discount Rate Plan
See Best Available Rate.
Best Available Rate
See Best Available Rate
Rate Plan Pattern
See Rate Plan Pattern.

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