System Administrator - Display All Charges on Folio

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Display All Charges on Folio for "Check-In, Totals Not Reset" Customers (Switch 426-06 Set to Yes)

When configuring switches for a Vacation Rental System the first time, some changes must also be made to any reports (including customized).  The folio is designed to show only "realized" (posted) transactions.  In the case of "Check-in, Totals Not Reset" customers, it is more appropriate to display both pre-posted and posted transactions for a more accurate "whole picture" display of charges. 

To modify existing folio reports (which contain a sub-report for the transactions), create a new parameter called "VRSSwitch" as a string. Within the sub-report(s) that need this switch information:
  1. Open Crystal Reports (designer).
  2. Open the existing report to be modified (for example: Reports10\FrontDesk\Folio-ABI.rpt).  Since new revisions of RDPWin update the report folders, be sure to save any customized reports elsewhere.
  3. In the "Field Explorer" (display or hide by going to "View | Field Explorer" using the main menu), right-click "Parameter Fields", and select New.  Create a new parameter called "VRSSwitch".
  4. Double-click the sub-report.  Sub-reports display on the report in design mode labeled with a name.rpt (in Folio-ABI it's FolioTransactions.rpt located in the details section of the report).  Repeat Step 3 for this sub-report.
  5. With the sub-report still visible, click "Select Expert..." from the Report main menu.
  6. Click the "Show Formula" button.  Modify the formula here, or click the "Formula Editor..." button.  Note: the Formula Editor can be easier to read since keywords display in blue.  The current select expert should look similar to that shown below; however, some customers may have made minor changes to this over time.  Modify what is shown here (original state) in red:

    {HExpense.NoPrintFlag} <> "*" and
    {HExpense.FolioType} in UCase({?FolioType}) and
    ({HReserve.ResStatus} <= "4" or ({HReserve.ResStatus} > "4" and {HExpense.PrePostedFlag} <> "*")) and
    {HReserve.ResNum} = {?Pm-HReserve.ResNum}

    to read as that shown below in blue:

    {HExpense.NoPrintFlag} <> "*" and
    {HExpense.FolioType} in UCase({?FolioType}) and
    ({HReserve.ResStatus} <= "4" or ({HReserve.ResStatus} > "4" and {HExpense.PrePostedFlag} <> "*" and {?VRSSwitch} = "N") or {?VRSSwitch}="Y") and
    {HReserve.ResNum} = {?Pm-HReserve.ResNum}

    The logic of the text in blue is: display the transaction if (a) the reservation status is less than or equal to 4, or (b) the reservation status is greater than 4 and the pre-posted flag is NOT set and Switch 426-06 is NOT turned on, or (c) the Switch 426-06 switch is on.
  7. If in Formula Editor, click Save & Close.  If in Select Expert, click OK.
  8. Click the "Design" tab.
  9. Right-click the sub-report (the one you double clicked earlier), and go to "Change Sub-report Links".
  10. From the "Subreport parameter field to use:" drop-down list, change from "?Pm-HReserveVRSSwitch" to "?VRSSwitch".  This should automatically uncheck the "Select data in the sub-report based on field:" box.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Save the report.
Properties should add new folders for custom reports.  Please note that confirmations must be stored in a folder containing the text "confirm" in order for them to be available to e-mail from RDPReporter.  For example, a property may create a custom folder named "Confirm-OurResort."  Any other standard reports created at the property should be stored in property specific folders.  With custom reports stored in property specific folders, they are not overwritten by any RDPReporter updates.

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