System Administrator - System | RDPWin Monitor | Installation Procedures

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RDPWin Monitor Installation Procedures

Update RDPWinClient
The RDPWinClient must be installed on the data server.  This installs all the DLLs that RDPWinMonitor needs (including travelservice.dll AND the Crystal libraries).  The RDPWin Monitor requires that the RDPWinClient be updated on the data server to function correctly. 
The RDPWinMonitor service no longer reads RDPWinPath.txt to determine the Monitor data path.  It now has its own path file: MonitorPath.txt.   The file c:\Program Files\ResortDataProcessing\RDPWin\MonitorPath.txt needs to be MANUALLY created on the data server and must contain a local, non-mapped relative drive path to the rdp01 directory.

The RDPWinMonitor service runs on the data server.  It looks for the file c:\Program Files\ResortDataProcessing\RDPWin\MonitorPath.txt on the data server for its data drive path information. It reads the first line ONLY and the path in that line must be a local, non-mapped relative path to the rdp01 directory. A mapped drive or UNC path causes the RDPWinMonitor service to fail its initialization. For many customers, this file contains the line c:\rdpnt\rdp\rdp01\ and must be manually created.

  1. From the local, non-mapped relative drive (using the c: drive as an example) access the c:\Program Files\ResortDataProcessing\RDPWin folder.
  2. From the main menu, select Text Document from the File | New menu.
  3. Name the file "MonitorPath.txt".
  4. Double-click the MonitorPath.txt file top open the "MonitorPath.txt - Notepad" screen.
  5. Enter the correct path to be used.  For example: c:\rdpnt\rdp\rdp01.
  6. Select Save from the File main menu.
  7. From RDPWin, click "Stop RDPWin Monitor" (if already running).
  8. From RDPWin, click "Start RDPWin Monitor".  The first message in the RDPWin Monitor Log should display "RDPMonitor service started."
Initialization Failure
If the RDPWinMonitor service fails during initialization because MonitorPath.txt is not found or contains a "non local, mapped path", error messages are written to the Event Log; because if initialization fails, the RDPWin Monitor does not know where the RDP log file is.  These messages can be viewed with Programs\Administrative Tools\EventViewer.  Choose the Application log and RDPWinMonitor messages are listed with a "Source" of RDPWinMonitor and a "Type" of Error – a "X" makes them easy to see!  For example, if the mapped drive path of "Z:rdp\rdp01\" is specified in MonitorPath.txt, the following message is logged into the Application Event Log: "Z:\rdp\rdp01\ is not a valid RDPWinMonitor path. Path must be a local non-mapped drive path. Initialization failed."

When the RDPWinMonitor service is started and successfully initialized from RDPWin, a "service started" message shows in the bottom grid of the Monitor Reservations screen.  Note: If this "service started" message is not displayed, check the Event Log. The RDPWinMonitor service runs in the background and cannot display error message boxes, because there is no user interface.  It is extremely important to look at the Event Log and the monitor log files (review in the bottom grid of Monitor Reservations, or choose the current or previous monitor log file from the System/RDPWin Log screen – they begin with the prefix “Monitor”). Follow steps to create the correct path.
Reports Must Reside in Reports10 Folder
The RDPWinMonitor service requires that any Crystal Reports configured to be used within confirmations sent by the Monitor reside within the RDPRoot/Reports10 folder (folders below RDPRoot/Reports10 are allowed).  This is where reports currently reside upon installation.  HOWEVER, the RDPWinMonitor will not be able to locate any confirmation reports moved to another folder for whatever reason.  New folders below Reports10 can be created (for example: RDPRoot/Reports10/MyConfirmations or RDPRoot/Reports10/Confirmations/MyConfirmations). When confirmation settings are configured in RDPWin, the confirmation default and e-mail body reports are required to reside within Reports10.  This is checked when Save is clicked.
Confirmation Attachments Must Reside in RDPRoot/Attachments Folder
RDPWinMonitor now requires that any confirmation attachments reside in the (new) Attachments folder (lower folders are allowed IF below RDPRoot/Attachments).  RDPWin creates this folder if it does not already exist.  Prior to Revision 1.257, no requirements or guidelines existed regarding where attachments could reside.  As with reports, creating folders below RDPRoot/Attachments is allowed.  RDPWin insists that confirmation attachments reside within Attachments when configured.

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