System - Locks & Users

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Select "Locks and Users" from the System menu to view a "Workstation List" of all users currently in the system and the "Record Locks" list which displays all locks with associated user information.  Columns can be pinned and the grid filtered.

Click to manually update both the Users and Locks grids with the latest data.
Auto Refresh
Check the box to set an automatic refresh schedule based on the number of seconds selected.  A countdown is displayed to advise users of next auto-refresh.
Delete User
Highlight a row in the Workstation List and either use the <DELETE> key or right-click and select “Delete User”.  When a user is selected for deletion, the user and all locks associated with that user are deleted.  The associated locks are selected in the Record Locks grid for easy identification.

Confirmation is required before deletion is complete.
Delete Lock
Highlight a row in the Record Locks grid and either use the <DELETE> key or right-click and select “Delete Lock”.  When a lock is selected for deletion, only the selected lock for the selected user is deleted. The associated user is highlighted in the Workstation List for easy identification. Confirmation is required before deletion is complete.
Menu Security - UI Settings
From the System | Menu Security screen, expand the UISecurity menu group to set the fence level for accessing user locks (Record Locks) and user sessions (Workstations List) deletions.
IRM.Net Available
When checked, the IRM.Net is accessible from the Internet.  Select IRM.Net Unavailable to take the IRM.Net offline for maintenance.

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.


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