System Administrator - Customize Ticket Vouchers

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A ticket can be assigned to each vendor and then printed from the reservations itinerary tab. Each vendor can only be assigned one ticket, but multiple vendors can be assigned the same ticket. 

To connect a particular Crystal report to a particular vendor, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System | Table Maintenance.

    1. Select Table H0 from the Table drop-down.
    2. Click Add Subrecord (Example:"T01").
    3. Enter a description (i.e., Ticket Example) which displays when the ticket is selected on the vendor master.
    4. Enter RP for the Module Code.
    5. Click "Save & Close".
  2. While the Table File Maintenance screen is still displayed, select Table HR from the Table drop-down.

    1. Click Add Subrecord.
    2. Enter the new subrecord the same as the one in H0 table but add an "S", (example: "T01S").
    3. Enter the report folder in which the report is found (i.e., VENDOR)
    4. Enter the name of the Crystal report (i.e., "TICKETBYACTIVITYNUM").

      Note  To develop a custom ticket report for each ticket, use the Vendor/TicketByActivityNum.rpt.  Edit the report then save with a new file name.  The report name in Step 2d must be set to the name of the new report.
    5. Select Y for Windows Only.
    6. Click "Save & Close".
    7. Click Close to exit from the Table File Maintenance screen.
  3. Navigate to Masters | Activity Vendor | Find to select a vendor.
  4. Click Change or double-click the selected vendor.
  5. From the Vendor Detail tab, select the description for the ticket added in Step 1c above (Ticket Example).

The ticket can now be printed from the reservation on the Itinerary tab.  To add multiple tickets, repeat Steps 1 - 5 for each ticket.

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