System Administrator - General Information

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Installation and Updates


  • Always update RDPWin, RDP-DOS, and IRM at the same time.
  • When installing the RDPWin server executable file, always have all users exit the RDPWin system.
  • Always install the RDPWin server executable either at the server or by a remote connection to the server.
  • Confirm the correct file paths when installing the server program.
  • There is a downloadable RDPWin client .msi file that will allow a system administrator to "push" the client installation file to all client computers making the installation process less cumbersome. RDP support cannot assist you with a .msi file installation. You must enlist the help of a network engineer with knowledge in this area.
  • Server and client versions must match.
  • RDPWin server is designed for and tested on a Windows 2003 server.
  • The RDPWin client is designed for and tested on Windows XP workstations with at least 3.0 GHz processors and 1 gigabyte of RAM.

Log In and Out


  • Similar to RDP-DOS login screen.
  • License/Serial Number.
  • Station Number.
  • RDPWinpath.txt file exists on the c:\ drive of each client workstation.
  • Multiple resorts.
  • Logon Passwords/e-mail addresses.


Multiple Sets of Data Files

The RESORTS file (no extension), located in the RDP root folder (normally F:\RDP), is used to define multiple sets of data files for each property being managed. The file is a standard text file that should be edited with NotePad or the RDP-DOS Edit utility. 

Most management companies only manage one resort, so the resorts file may only have one entry. The entry in this case would be:

01 My Property Name

The "01" (zero & one) is the resort number and the "My Property Name" is the resort name. The 01 is used as part of the data path, which in this case would be F:\RDP\RDP01. Management companies that manage multiple resorts would have several entries in this file. One sample would be:

01 My Property Name
02 My Other Property

In this case, RDP systems would allow access to either resort 01 (F:\RDP\RDP01) or Resort 02 (F:\RDP\RDP02). Both resorts are on the same data server.

Some management companies have multiple data servers. If Resort 03 is on a different data server than Resort 01 and 02, then the resorts file would look like:

01 My Property Name
02 My Other Property
03 My Other Server DATA=\\Server2\RDPNT\RDP\RDP01;


01 My Property Name
02 My Other Property
03 My Other Server DATA=G:\RDPNT\RDP\RDP01;

The "DATA=" statement has several rules:
No spaces
Must end with a semi-colon
Either a mapped drive or a URN (universal resource name) is allowed
The share name must be included (in this case, it is RDPNT)
The data folder number does not have to match the resort number. In the case above, Resort 03 uses RDP01 on the other server.
NOTE: RDP-DOS only works with a mapped drive DATA= statement, so if using RDPWin and RDP-DOS, use a mapped drive.

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