Stats - RDP Ledger

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Enhanced Statistical Reports Module RC Required

Statistics Overview

Statistical Totals

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Select "RDP Ledgers" from the Navigation screen, main menu, or the Navigation to open the RDP Ledger tab.  Select different ledgers, categorize by transaction code, display for past years, and select different types of charts. 

As shown in Figure 1 below in the red encircled area, hover over a bar to view the total amount represented.  The color of the bar is changed temporarily to help signify to which bar the total applies.  The chart displayed has drill-down capabilities.  Click any bar within the chart to open another chart specific for that selected bar. 

Figure 1

The grid below the chart displays the Grand Totals data based on the Options selected.  Details available for each month are Amount (Year), Amount (Year to compare with), Amount Variance ($), and Amount Variance (%).  Totals are displayed at the bottom of the grid.  Double-click any Month row to drill-down and view that month's detail by day and display a chart for any selected day within that month.  To return to the monthly chart, click the "<< Back" button.

Figure 2


Figure 3
Category (Select)
Select the desired ledger from the list.  Choices are Advance Deposit Ledger, City Ledger (Group Master Accounts), City Ledger (Owner Billing), Credit Card Company Ledger, In-House Guest Ledger, Travel Agent Ledger, Activity Vendor Ledger (only available if the Itinerary & Concierge (RP) module is installed), and Work Order Vendor Ledger (only available if the Work Orders & Asset Management (RZ) module is installed).
The Bar radio button is selected by default and the Pie chart is not available in RDP Ledgers.
Display Chart
Click Display Chart to update the chart based on the Options selected.
Last Year
Check to display the year previous to the current system date as well as the year selected.  For example, if today's date is 11/16/05, select 2001 in the Year drop-down and check Last Year to display a chart with 2001 and 2004 totals.
Once the main category is chosen, the transaction codes that exist in that category are displayed in the Subcategory drop-down list.  Transaction codes are user definable by property.  For a more detailed chart, click the Subcategory drop-down and select the desired transaction code from the list. 
Select a year from the drop-down list to display the statistics for a single year.

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