Statistics - Customize and Style Surveys

Customize and Style Survey

The Guest Survey & Communication module includes the ability to send a thank-you email after check-out which can include a link to take a survey. Survey questions are configured from the RDPWin Stats menu | Surveys | Configuration. Results are stored in the RDP database and can be view from RDPWin Stats menu | Surveys | Statistics. 

The survey link in the thank-you email navigates to the IRM.Net survey page, which is populated with customizable header and footer files surrounding the automatically generated questions section. The sections of the survey page are as follows (all except the Survey Questions are optional).

  • Survey Page Header
  • Survey Header
  • Radio Button Range Descriptions
  • Survey Questions
  • Survey Footer
  • Survey Page Footer

Once the guest fills out and submits the survey, an acknowledgement message can be displayed. At this point the sections of the survey page are as follows (all sections are optional):

  • Survey Page Header
  • Survey Submitted
  • Survey Page Footer

If a guest attempts to submit a survey more than once, a message indicating that the results have already been received can be shown. In this case the sections of the survey page include (all sections are optional):

  • Survey Page Header
  • Already Completed
  • Survey Footer

Customizable Files

The Survey Questions section of the page is automatically generated based on the configured survey questions. The remaining sections (all optional) are read in from customizable html files. These customizable files are located in the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot\irmnet\Custom\<ServerName>\RDPxx\UserText\Surveys, where <ServerName> is the data server name and RDPxx refers to the resort number. Subsequent paths in the document will refer to this path as <SurveyRoot>.

A custom file folder can be configured for each survey, which allows unique customized files per survey. If configured, customized files will be retrieved from the folder <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>. To configure a custom file folder from RDPWin, go to the Stats main menu | Surveys | Configuration, click the Change button and enter the custom files folder in the  Custom Files Folder field. Any or all of the customizable survey files can be overriden by files in <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>. Any file that is not found here, will be retrieved from <SurveyRoot>. If not found there, the section will be omitted.

The customizable files should not contain <html> <head> <meta> <title> or <body> tags. The markup in these customizable files will be included in the survey page that already contains these tags, which should not be repeated.

Survey Page Header
The Survey Page Header section is populated with the contents of the file SurveyPageHeader.htm. This section is included in the page when presenting the survey questions, acknowledging a submitted or communicating that the survey has already been completed. This file could contain the company logo, property name, etc. If the same survey page header is expected for all (or many) surveys, it can reside in the <SurveyRoot>.
Survey Header
The Survey Header section is populated with the contents of the file SurveyHeader.htm. This file is only displayed in the context of presenting the survey questions. It is included before the questions and could included some explanatory text. If unique text for a survey is required, then configure a custom folder name for this survey and located SurveyHeader.htm in <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>, otherwise place the file in <SurveyRoot>.
Radio Button Range Description
The Radio Button Range Description section is populated with the contents of the file RadioButtonRange.htm. This section is included in the page when the survey questions are presented, but only if there is at least one question of the type RadioButtonRange. The purpose of this file is to display the 'Excellent - Poor' key above the range radio buttons. The width of the survey page contents may vary depending on the wording of the questions, so it may be necessary to configure a custom files folder name in order to locate the key horizontally above the radio buttons.
Survey Footer
The Survey Footer section is populated with the contents from the file SurveyFooter.htm. This file is only displayed in the context of presenting the survey questions and displays below the 'Submit' button. If unique text for a survey is required, then configure a custom files folder name for this survey and locate SurveySubmitted.htm in <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>, otherwise place the file in <SurveyRoot>.
Survey Submitted
The Survey Submitted section is populated with the contents of the file SurveySubmitted.htm. This section is included in the page after the guest submits answers to the questions. This section is intended to present text acknowledging that the survey was submitted. If unique text for a survey is required, then configure a custom files folder name for this survey and locate SurveySubmitted.htm in <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>, otherwise place the file in <SurveyRoot>.
Already Completed
The Already Completed section is populated with the contents of the file AlreadyCompleted.htm. This section is included in the page if a guest submits answers to a survey for a second time. This section is intended to present text indicating that the guest's answers to this survey have already been received. If unique text for a survey is required, then configure a custom files folder name for this survey and located AlreadyCompleted.htm in <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>, otherwise place the file in <SurveyRoot>.
Submit Button
The Submit Button is by default labeled with the text 'Submit.' This can be overridden by creating the file <SurveyRoot>\SubmitButton.txt and specifying the desired label. If unique text is required for a survey, then configure a custom files folder name and locate SubmitButton.txt in <SurveyRoot>\<CustomFolderName>.

Styling the Survey Page

Default styles for the survey page are provided in the file Survey.css found the theme folders, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IRMNet\App_Themes\<ThemeName>. If a custom theme is in use, copy Survey.css from on the RDP provided themes to get started. The default styles in the Survey.css provide a template for styling the survey page. It is likely that further styling will be needed for optimal appearance of the survey page. The following are some examples of types of styling changes that may be desired:

Change the background color of the survey page: Change the background-color property of the class css SurveyBody.

Change the width of the survey contents (headers, questions and footers): The width and margin properties of the css class SurveyContents determines the width of the survey (including headers and footers) and centers the content on the page. If a different width is desired, change the width property. The 'margin: 0 auto;' property centers the content. Remove this if centering is not desired.

Change the width of the survey questions sections: The width and margin properties of the css class SurveyQuestions determines the width of the survey questions sections and centers this on the page. If a different width is desired, change the width property. The 'margin: 0 auto;' property centers the content. Remove this if centering is not desired. If individual surveys require different widths for the survey questions section, configure the CSS Class Field of the survey in RDPWin (Stats | Survey | Configuration - select the survey from the drop-down and click Change). In Survey.css copy the default SurveyQuestions css class to the configured style name and make the required changes to the new class.

Change the colors or size of the submit button: The appearance of the submit button is determined by the css class SurveySubmitButton. Change button color with the background-color and border properties. Change the color of the 'Submit' text with the color property. The size of the button can be changed with the width property. Font family, size and weight for the submit button can also be set here if desired.

Individual survey questions can be styled further by indicating the CSS class name on the survey question configuration in RDPWin and adding these classes to Survey.css.


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