RDPWin: Revision (Released 07/25/2023)

Not all revisions of RDP software products are released to customers.  When the Updates page offers a revision different from those detailed on this page, view the Revisions Index to see what was new in the prior releases.

Close Day: Password for closing the day forward more than one day at a time

System | Switches | Search C1MD: Password to close multiple days
When enabled the user will be prompted for the password if the day is changed more than one day at a time.
The value entered in the setting field is the password. Password can be 1 - 20 characters. Alpha, numeric and special characters allowed. Letters are not case sensitive.
To disable remove the password. Switch is disabled by default.


Mass Email: Reservation type filter added to the arrivals tab

Reporter | Mass Emails | Confirmations | By Arrival tab
The ability to mass email confirmations by reservation type has been added.