RDPWin: Revision (Released 7/25/2023)

Not all revisions of RDP software products are released to customers.  When the Updates page offers a revision different from those detailed on this page, view the Revisions Index to see what was new in the prior releases.

Itinerary: Comment 1 and Comment 2 added to the itinerary list

Itinerary: Allow comment change on activity with right click

Find Res | Itinerary tab | Select Activity | Right click to change comment
The ability to change an activity's comments has been added to the context menu. The grid will refresh after changes saved.


Mass Email: Reservation type filter added to the arrivals tab

Reporter | Mass Emails | Confirmations | By Arrival tab
The ability to mass email confirmations by reservation type has been added.


Available Rooms: Hide room info buttons

System | Menu Security | UI Security | Available Rooms Hide Room Info
The room info help files on the available rooms list can be hidden from users by setting a fence level or user group.
The image below is without UI Security set
The image below is with UI Security set


Masters (Agents/Groups/Guest History/Owners/Rooms): Restrict Access to Add Documents

System | Menu Security | UI Security | Add Document
The ability to Add Documents to masters can be restricted from users by setting a fence level or user group.
When access is restricted the user will receive the message below.