RDPWin: Revision (Released 11/09/2022)

Not all revisions of RDP software products are released to customers.  When the Updates page offers a revision different from those detailed on this page, view the Revisions Index to see what was new in the prior releases.

Group Res: Allow rate override for each day of stay

System | Switches | Search 425-80: Allow daily rate override for each day of stay for Groups
When enabled the ability to override rates during the group reservation process has been enhanced to allow for unique daily rates.

By selecting the Override Rates button a new screen will show:

  • The room type drop down will show the room types present in the new reservation list

  • Enter rates for a selected room type and then use the Save button. Then switch room types and repeat until done.

  • Not all rates for all room types need to be entered

  • The All option in the room type drop down overrides all other rates and all reservations in the active list will get the same rate.

  • The Daily Rate (same rate every day) or Total Rate overrides are still available as they were on the old Override screen

  • A rates text box will display for each day of the longest stay. A mix of length of stays is allowed.

Change Group Res has also been updated to allow changes to Rate Plans and Override Daily Rates

  • Reservations | Group Reservations | Change Group Res

  • Find the Leader Reservation

  • Select field to update


Payment: Email credit card receipt after payment

After taking payment in RDPWin, IRMng, Self Check-In, Self Check-Out or OwnerNg a receipt may be emailed to the guest.

Sample payment receipt email template including [*creditcardreceipt*] will be shipped with IRMng and OwnerNg in assets/emailTemplates/HTMLPaymentReceipt2.htm

[*creditcardreceipt*] will be replaced with the detailed payment receipt information.

IRMng: When a reservation is booked and deposit collected, a payment receipt will be emailed if switch 416-80 is yes and a 'PaymentConfirmation' email template is configured

SelfCI / SelfCO will also email a payment receipt if card is charged and switch 416-80 is yes and a 'PaymentConfirmation' email template is configured

IRMng: when taking a payment on an existing res, an email is sent using 'PaymentConfirmation' email template. If the detailed payment receipt is desired, modify template to include [*creditcardreceipt*]. Switch 416-80 is not checked in this scenario since we already had this feature

OwnerNg: when making owner payments, a payment receipt will be emailed if a 'PaymentReceipt' email template is configured. If the detailed payment receipt is desired, modify template to include [*creditcardreceipt*]. Switch 416-80 is not checked since we already had this feature

OwnerNg: when making an owner referral reservation and collecting a deposit, a payment receipt will be emailed if switch 416-80 is yes and a 'PaymentReceipt' email template is configured

IRM | IRM Configuration | Deposits tab: If switch 426-80 is on, then Payment Receipt CC and/or BCC addresses can be configured. All payment receipts sent from IRMng, OwnerNg, SelfCi, Self CO will CC and/or BCC these addresses

To enable:

  1. Requires RDPWin and ngSuite or higher

  2. System | Configuration | Shift4 or Tenerum | check Automatically email credit card receipt when taking a payment (switch 416-80)

    RDPWin Receipt Payment Configuration

  1. Reporter | Configuration

  2. Confirmation Settings tab

  3. Looking at the Name Column select the confirmation named Receipt | Change

  4. Enter a default Subject

  5. Select the desired radio button option for Email Body Choices

    1. Option 1: HTML | Browse to \FrontDesk\HTMLPaymentReceipt2.htm

    2. Option 2: Enter text for Email body below and then select the Crystal Report Attachment \FrontDesk\CreditCardReceipt.rpt

  6. Save and Close

Unique email receipt templates may be defined and will be used depending on where the payment is taken: Reservations, Owner Masters and Group Masters.

IRMng/OwnerNg/Self Check-In, Check-Out Receipt Payment Configuration

  1. RDPWin | IRM | IRMng Configuration | Customize tab

  2. Email Templates

  3. Email ID: Payment Confirmation

    1. Edit Email Subject

    2. Email Template File: HTMLPaymentReceipt2.htm. Template located in IRMng/assets/emailTemplates/HTMLPaymentReceipt2.htm and Owner/assets/emailTemplates/HTMLPaymentReceipt2.htm may be customized. If customizing save the htm with a new name and specify the new file name here.