RDPWin Revision (Released 02/08/2022)

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Switch 427-79: Allow Posting Date on Reservation Deposit/Payments

System | Switches | Switch 427-79: Allow Posting Date on Reservation Deposit/Payments
When enabled this feature displays a posting date field on reservation payments. Changes to reservation payments will also display a posting date field. Future dates are not allowed.

This is helpful when:

  • A credit card payment is in Shift4 or Tenerum but not in RDP. The user can now match the transaction date in RDP with the transaction date in the credit card gateway when taking a manual payment.
  • The RDP System date is accidentally rolled to the wrong date and payments have been taken on this incorrect date. The user can now change the transaction date on the previously posted payments.

To enable this feature, navigate to System | Switches. In the search field enter 427-79. Change the Setting to Yes.

The posting date updates hexpense.transactiondate. The RDP system date is stamped in hexpense.originalpostdate.

ShiftPayment and CreditCard reports prompt for transactiondate, which means the payments will appear on the date entered in the posting date. In the screenshot below this payment will appear on the ShiftPayment report for 2/28/2015.