Reservations - Uncancel

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The cancellation of a reservation can be reversed.  Select a reservation and click Uncancel from Options.  If no reservation is selected, the Find Reservation screen opens to allow for selection.  If the selected reservation has not already been cancelled, the system prompts with "The selected reservation is not cancelled".  A reservation must be cancelled before it can be uncancelled.  Once an appropriate reservation is selected, the Uncancel screen opens.

Note: Uncancel Timeshare Reservations & Contracts:  Uncancel checks to see if timeshare contracts are being used.  If so, Uncancel checks to see if the selected timeshare reservation is still connected to the week that created the reservation.  If not connected, the selected timeshare reservation cannot be uncancelled.

Once the reservation is selected, click the Uncancel button.  A confirmation is displayed before closing the form.  The options and scenarios listed below can also be addressed from this form before clicking.

Unavailable Room
If the uncancelled reservation was preassigned to a room that is no longer available, the system prompts to complete the uncancel process and make the reservation an inventory reservation.
No Previous Deposit
If the reservation did not have a paid deposit, the system prompts for the deposit amount.  If a credit card payment is required, enter 0.00, since the field is only for requesting deposits.  If the amount entered is greater than 0.00, the system requests a deposit date.  Use Report 710 Advance Deposits Due on the Reporter menu for a list of overdue deposits.  Reservations with the SF code can be uncancelled.
Deposit Refunded/Forfeited
If the reservation has been cancelled and the advanced deposit forfeited, use the Uncancel option to remove the forfeit transaction and reinstate the reservation. The forfeit transaction is reversed and the reservation returns to a future reservation. For details on how to remove the forfeit transaction, see Refund Forfeit Deposit.
Reservation Type
After the reservation is uncancelled, the reservation type is change to a "4", future changed reservation, and the cancellation number and reason are deleted from the second reservation screen.

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