Reservations - Travel Services

Website Information re: Travel Services

Travel Services and AIG Travel Guard

Travel Services
Vacation Protection Security Deposit Protection
What is Vacation Protection? What is Security Deposit Protection?
Configuration Configuration
IRM.Net & Vacation Protection IRM.Net & Security Deposit Protection
Make a New Res with Vacation Protection Make a New Res with Security Deposit Protection
Add Vacation Protection to Existing Reservation Add Security Deposit Protection to Existing Reservation
Cancel Vacation Protection, But Not the Res Cancel Security Deposit Protection, But Not the Res
Cancel Res with Vacation Protection Cancel Res with Security Deposit Protection
Transaction Codes
RDPWin Monitor
Reports and Communicating with AIG Travel Guard

RDP has partnered with AIG Travel Guard to provide Travel Services. Travel Services consists of Vacation Protection (VP) and Security Deposit Protection (SDP).  Access to AIG Travel Guard services has been integrated into RDPWin by providing links and buttons on the reservation screens.  When travel services provided by AIG Travel Guard are added, changed, or cancelled on a reservation, the system sends contract information over the internet to AIG Travel Guard.

Module S8 must be registered for any property on RDPWin Version 2.xxx or higher to use any of the travel services features. There is NO COST for the module, but registration is required.  All Travel Services buttons are visible regardless of registration and configuration.  When a TS button is clicked without registering the module, a message is displayed.  Clicking a TS button without configuring first directs users to System/Configuration/Travel Services.

Vacation Protection (VP)

Vacation Protection (VP) is an optional way for the guest to protect the vacation.  Coverage includes unfortunate occurrences that threaten to interfere with even the best-laid plans. By purchasing the vacation insurance plan, guests insure against cancellation penalties, medical expenses, travel and/or baggage delays, emergency medical transportation, and 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance through AIG Travel Assist.  There are two types of Vacation Protection offered, All Seasons Travel Plan and Lodging Protection. Properties must determine which type of protection will be provided, but cannot offer both.

Note***:  Additional VP coverage such as flight, lost luggage, etc., is best handled by a separate policy than the VP offered through RDPWin and should be purchased separately by contacting  AIG Travel Guard directly.

All Seasons Travel Plan

All Season Travel Plan is 7% of the total charge of reservation, not including Security Deposit Protection or Security Deposit. For more details, see AIG Travel Guard's Description of All Season Travel Plan Coverage.

All Seasons Travel Plan Protection can be added before the reservation is paid in full or 30 days prior to the arrival date.  The agreement number is updated when the total charge, dates, room number, room type, or guest name(s) change.  Cancellation of the policy can be within and up to 10 days from purchase.  When a reservation is made within 10 days of arrival, cancellation can be up until the day prior to arrival.

Lodging Protection

Lodging Protection is a $15.00 flat fee charged to the reservation. This type of protection is designed for hotels. For details see, AIG Travel Guard's Description of Lodging Protection Coverage.

Lodging Protection can be added at the time the reservation is made or up until the day before arrival. Cancellation of the policy can be within and up to 10 days from purchase.  When a reservation is made within 10 days of arrival, cancellation can be up until the day prior to arrival.


Security Deposit Protection (SDP)

Security Deposit Protection (SDP) is an optional way to protect the room from damages.  The guest must either: (1) pay a security deposit and receive a refund of any moneys not used to pay for damages once checked out and the room inspected; or (2) purchase the new Security Deposit Protection offered by AIG Travel Guard.  The SDP is a fraction of the actual security deposit amount.  Each guest can choose to pay this lesser amount knowing the money will never be refunded.  This revenue belongs to the property with a fee going to AIG Travel Guard as per contract. 

There are two different options for Security Deposit Protection, Standard and Premium. Standard Security Deposit Protection is offered at a flat fee of $45.00 per reservation, while Premium is $69.00 per reservation. Properties must determine which type of protection will be provided, but cannot offer both.

In order to use VP and SDP in RDPWin products, contact RDP Sales at (970) 845-1140, and then sign up with AIG Travel Guard.

The interface integrates tightly with RDPWin. The charges for VP and SDP are on the guest folio and payment for these services are collected by the property. AIG Travel Guard will then bill the property. Communication with AIG Travel Guard is done over the Internet through web services with AIG Travel Guard. The actual communication is done with RDPWin Monitor, which is a "service" running on the data server.

IRM.Net and Vacation Protection

Vacation Protection is available for reservations made using the IRM.Net. Travel Services options, which include the Vacation Protection, are enabled in the IRM.Net Configuration --> Deposits tab only if:

A credit card deposit is required in order to add travel services to an IRM.Net reservation. Travel services purchases will be added to the deposit amount as calculated in the Calculate Deposit section.

When Vacation Protection is turned on for IRM.Net reservations, guests have the option to check the Vacation Protection. The total is recalculated automatically to reflect the addition of the Vacation Protection.

Note: the IRM.Net refers to Vacation Protection as Vacation Insurance, which includes a link to a popup window that outlines the policy in detail.


IRM.Net and Security Deposit Protection

Security Deposit Protection is available for reservations made using the IRM.Net. Travel Services options, which include the Security Deposit Protection, are enabled in the IRM.Net Configuration --> Deposits tab only if:

When Security Deposit Protection is turned on for IRM.Net reservations, guests have the option to uncheck Security Deposit Protection and pay the standard security deposit (if configured for the IRM.Net. See "Reservations - Travel Services"). The total is recalculated automatically to reflect the removal of Security Deposit Protection.

Note: the IRM.Net refers to Security Deposit Protection as Damage Insurance, which includes a link to a popup window that outlines the policy in detail.

RDPWin Monitor and Travel Services

RDPWin Monitor is required to be installed and configured on the data server. When VP or SDP is added, changed, or cancelled from a reservation; RDPWin Monitor contacts AIG Travel Guard in the background to publish the reservation information and get the agreement numbers for VP or SDP. Configuration is also necessary by AIG Travel Guard. Travel Services cannot be completed until both RDPWin Monitor and AIG Travel Guard configuration are complete.

Deposit / Payment and Travel Services

When the Deposit/Payment screen appears after adding SDP and VP, the system defaults to the minimum amount required to pay for the two services.  The system does not require a payment at this point, but it is highly recommended that the payment is made immediately or very soon thereafter. Travel Services purchases will not be completed until payment has been received. The deposit amount is automatically calculated based on the Vacation Protection amount and the Security Deposit Protection amount, plus any other configured deposits due.

Transaction Codes with Travel Services

The transaction code for SDP is B107 and for VP is B1SV.  These codes are on the B1 ledger with the payments.  This was done to lower the advanced deposit liability, since these services must be paid for by the guest immediately.  These codes cannot be changed or deleted with the normal post charges function.  The only way to alter these is to use the Reservation Change screen and restrictions will apply.

New Reservation with Travel Services

Vacation Protection and Security Deposit Protection are offered to non owner/guest of owner reservations only.  Security deposit protection covers property already owned by the owner; hence there is no need for coverage.  Vacation protection covers the total room charges and O/G reservations are not charged for the room.  Vacation Protection and Security Deposit Protection are available on the New Reservation screen when:

  • Arrival date is at least current system date PLUS one (later than today); AND
  • Paying guest reservation (Type P), Special reservations (Type S), OR Long term reservations (Type P)
Make New Reservation with VP
When Vacation Protection (VP) is enabled, the New Reservations screen for paying guests offers additional information in the rate totals area as well as the quotes.  The purchase of VP is available only prior to the reservation's arrival date, so walk-ins may NOT purchase VP. 

The Vacation Protection checkbox and link calculates the amount the guest pays, which is 7% of the total charge for All Season Travel Plan not including Security Deposit Protection, or $15.00 for Lodging Protection.  This is a default setting that can be updated on the New Reservation screen.  Change the default rate in configuration.

Steps:  New state statutes require that Vacation Protection can no longer be automatically added to reservations. The guest must choose to opt in for this type of insurance. Prior to this change, Vacation Protection was included on a reservations with the option for the guest opt out. Switch 415-27 (Automatically calculate Vacation Protection on paying guest reservations) has been removed from the Travel Services Configuration --> Products tab. The amount for the Vacation Protection is still shown on the New Reservation screen, but will not be added unless the requests it.

The system calculates and displays the VP charges added to the folio.  When multiple quotes are calculated, selection of each different quote updates the amounts displayed in the rates section of the New Reservation screen. 
Make New Reservation w/SDP
When Security Deposit Protection is enabled, the "Sec Dep Protection" radio button is available for paying guest reservations.  The amount is based on the Price configuration of either Standard or Premium Security Deposit Protection.  The folio shows Code 07 when SDP is used.

Steps:  SDP is automatically added to all P and S reservations when Automatically Calculate SDP on Paying Guest Reservation is checked in Travel Services Configuration.  When configured not to select SDP automatically, any user can add SDP to a new P or S reservation by selecting the Sec Dep Protection radio button in the rates section of the New Reservation screen.  Any user can manually select the Security Deposit radio button to use the basic security deposit function in place of SDP.  The Sec Dep amount is based on configuration.

Select the "Sec Dep Protection" radio button to add SDP charges to the folio.  When the quote is added,  the "SD Prot" column is displayed in the Quote grid.  When multiple quotes are calculated, selection of each different quote updates the amounts displayed in the rates section of the New Reservation screen. 

Change Reservation with Vacation Protection

Making changes to the reservation's dates, number of nights, room, or rate after vacation protection has been purchased,does NOT updated VP. Contact AIG Travel Guard to make changes to the policy.

Add Travel Services to Existing Reservations

Transactions Security Deposit Protection (SDP) and Vacation Protection (VP) cannot be posted through Post Charges.  SDP and VP must be added to existing reservations using the Change Reservation screen in order to properly notify AIG Travel Guard and validate the policies. 

VP and SDP are available on the Change Reservation screen when:

  • Arrival date is at least current system date PLUS one (later than today); AND
  • Reservation type is Paying guest reservation (Type P), Special reservations (Type S), OR Long term reservations (Type P)
Add Vacation Protection to Existing Res
When changing a room or dates on a reservation and the total charge changes, the Old/New Rates screen appears.  This screen shows old and new VP amounts.  VP is recalculated based on the total charge of the reservation. The radio buttons for VP are always disabled since the VP amount is based on whether new or old rates are chosen.

When the new VP amount is larger than the old, the Deposit/Payment screen opens and defaults to the difference between the old and new amounts.  When the new amount is smaller than the old, there are two options: (1) keep the money already paid and apply as an advance deposit, or (2) use the Refund option to refund the difference to the guest.

When changing a room or dates on a reservation and the total charge changes, the Old/New Rates screen appears.  The screen shows old and new VP amounts along with the SDP information (which never changes).
Add Security Deposit Protection to Existing Res
Steps:  Select a reservation and access the Change Reservation screen.  Select the Sec. Dep. Protection radio button.  The charge information is updated on the Charge Summary tab. 

When adding SDP to a reservation that already has a Security Deposit charge on the folio, the system functions as follows:

  • When existing reservation was charged for Security Deposit and a payment has been received, the difference between the SDP and Sec Dep is required before the SDP can be added.  For example, Res# 210 was originally charged a $50 security deposit.  A payment of $50 has already been received.  When SDP is added in the amount of $69, a payment of $19 (the difference between the new SDP charge and the old Sec Dep charge) is required.
  • When existing reservation was charged for Security Deposit and ample payment has been received, the Sec Dep charge is replaced by the SDP charge and no further payment is required.  For example, Res# 210 was originally charged a $90 security deposit.  A payment of $90 has already been received.  When SDP is added in the amount of $69, the system recognizes there is enough deposit on the folio to cover the new charge and simply saves the change.
  • When the existing reservation was charged for Security Deposit but no payment has been received, the Deposit screen displays and requests payment be taken.  When the user selects the Close button without processing a deposit/payment, a warning is displayed before saving the change without payment.  Warning:  SDP is not officially added and finalized until payment is taken in full.

When changing a room or dates on a reservation and the total charge changes, the Old/New Rates screen appears.  The screen shows old and new SDP amounts along with the VP amount information.  The SDP amount NEVER changes.

Cancel Security Deposit Protection on Res (But not Res)

Security Deposit Protection (SCP) is non-refundable. Once RDPWin Monitor sends the SDP purchase information to AIG Travel Guard, the transaction is final. 

Cancel Reservation with Security Deposit Protection (SDP)

Note:  Reservations can be cancelled, but any fees paid for Security Deposit Protection (SDP) can NEVER be refunded.  Fees for SDP are non-refundable as soon as the reservation is made and the transaction is filed. 

Cancel a reservation with SDP on file.

  1. Select the reservation and click Cancel from Options.
  2. Enter the Cancellation Reason.
  3. When a deposit is on file (as would any reservation with SDP, since SDP must be paid for in advance), the deposit and refund information is displayed as shown below:
  4. Since payment for SDP is non-refundable, that information is already displayed and finalized.  To refund any remaining deposit, select the Refund radio button.
  5. Select the refund type: credit card, cash, check etc.  For this example, use Check.
  6. Check the "Place Check in Print Queue" checkbox.  The next time Check Vouchers is run, the refund check is printed.
  7. Enter refund Amount, if any. For example, enter $10 as the Amount.  (If by Cash or Wire, enter the refund Amount.  If by Check, then check the "Place check in print queue" box. If by credit card (manual or via Protobase), enter the card Number, Expiration Date (mm/yy), and Amount to be refunded.  If the reservation already has credit card information, confirm the card number already displayed on the screen.  If Miscellaneous, then enter the Amount and Description.)
  8. When a $150 deposit is on file and SDP was purchased for $69, then $81 is available to either be forfeited (income for the property) or held on the guest's account for a future reservation.  When $10 is to be refunded, either $71 can be forfeited or held.  For this example, select Forfeit.
  9. Click the Save button when complete.
  10. Review the Cancel Reservation confirmation notice.  Click Yes to continue.  when No is selected, the system returns to the Cancel Reservation screen and allows the settings to be changed.
  11. The Cancel Reservation screen closes and the Continue With screen is displayed.

Cancel Vacation Protection on Res (But Not Res)

Cancel vacation protection (VP) on any reservation without cancelling the reservation.

  1. Select the reservation in the grid or use RDPWin's Find function.
  2. Double-click the reservation in the grid or click Change in Options to access the Change Reservation screen
  3. Uncheck the Vacation Protection checkbox (located on the Charge Summary tab).
  4. Save.
  5. AIG Travel Guard is contacted by RDPWin Monitor regarding the cancellation.
  6. Note:  VP can only be cancelled within 10 days of original VP purchase and at least one day prior to arrival.  Other restrictions may apply.  Contact AIG Travel Guard for exact details.

  7. When cancellation is allowed by AIG Travel Guard, then any B1D1 Adv. Dep. Rcv. transactions (payments received for VP) remain unchanged. 
  8.  Any monies collected as payment for the VP is deemed an advance deposit and displays in the Paid Deposit field on the Charge Summary tab.

Cancel Reservation with Vacation Protection (VP)

Note:  Reservations can be cancelled, and any fees paid for Vacation Protection (VP) can be refunded when the cancellation is made within 10 days of original VP purchase.  When VP is purchased, the guest has 10 days to cancel the coverage and receive a refund. 

Cancel a reservation with VP on file.

  1. Select the reservation and click Cancel from Options.
  2. Enter the Cancellation Reason.
  3. When a deposit is on file (as would any reservation with VP, since VP must be paid for in advance), the deposit and refund information is displayed as shown below:
  4. Since payment for VP is non-refundable 10 days after purchase, that information is already displayed and finalized.  In this sample, the reservation was made on March 1st, and the guest cancelled the reservation on March 17th due to weather.  The VP is not eligible for refund.  To refund any remaining deposit, select the Refund radio button.
  5. Select the refund type: credit card, cash, check etc.  For this example, use Check.
  6. Check the "Place Check in Print Queue" checkbox.  The next time Check Vouchers is run, the refund check is printed.
  7. Enter refund Amount, if any. For example, enter $10 as the Amount.  (If by Cash or Wire, enter the refund Amount.  If by Check, then check the "Place check in print queue" box. If by credit card (manual or via Protobase), enter the card Number, Expiration Date (mm/yy), and Amount to be refunded.  If the reservation already has credit card information, confirm the card number already displayed on the screen.  If Miscellaneous, then enter the Amount and Description.)
  8. When a $200 deposit is on file and SDP was purchased for $69 and VP for $86.14, then $44.86 is available to either be forfeited (income for the property) or held on the guest's account for a future reservation.  For this example, select None as the refund type.  As shown below, $155.14 of the $200 paid deposit is non-refundable (VP 10 days after purchase and SDP is always non-refundable).  A total of $44.86 will be forfeited by the guest and recorded as income for the property.
  9. Click the Save button when complete.
  10. Review the Cancel Reservation confirmation notice.  Click Yes to continue.  when No is selected, the system returns to the Cancel Reservation screen and allows the settings to be changed.
  11. The Cancel Reservation screen closes and the Continue With screen is displayed.

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.


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