Reservations - Balance Travel Services

See Travel Services for more Details
Website Information re: Travel Services

Balance Travel Services Nightly

Travel Services purchases should be balanced every night.  Travel Services purchases are processed in the background by the RDPWinMonitor service. Purchase requests are added to the 'to be processed' queue when Vacation Protection (VP) or Security Deposit Protection (SDP) are requested with a new reservation or added to an existing reservation. The RDPWinMonitor service processes purchase requests at a configurable interval (for example every 15 minutes).

Note:   Travel services purchases are not complete until they have been processed by RDPWinMonitor.

TX Code Description GL Account Res Bucket
B107 Sec. Dep. Protection 40237 C
B1SV Vacation Protection 40234 E

Travel Services Flow of Data

In order to balance the Travel Services data, review the following information to understand the flow of events.

  1. When a reservation is make, RDPWin assigns the B107 and/or the B1SV code(s).  The transaction amounts show up immediately on various transaction reports.
  2. When the day is closed, totals are generated into the general ledger.  The B107 total for the day should balance the GL Account 40237, and B1SV should balance the 40234 account during the Day End process.
  3. The Vacation Services Monitor reads reservations directly for reservations to process.
  4. After the Day End process is complete, RDPWin adds a record in the VACPROT file which includes the agreement number.  RDPWin offers reports that correspond to this file.  When the Vacation Services Monitor processes everything correctly, the reports should balance the TX reports from Step 1 and and the G/L reports from Step 2.

At the end of each day, processed travel services purchases should be reconciled against their respective G/L accounts and transactions to ensure that all purchase requests have been processed correctly. The days totals for each of the following should reflect the same amounts.

Security Deposit Protection

Report Value
Accounting/TransactionsYTD Transaction Code B107
Accounting/G/L AccountsYTD G/L Account 40237
Travel Services/TravelServicesProcessedTransaction Security Deposit Protection Processed Total

Vacation Protection

Report Value
Accounting/TransactionsYTD Transaction Code B1SV
Accounting/G/L AccountsYTD G/L Account 40234
Travel Services/TravelServicesProcessedTransaction Vacation Protection Processed Total

If the Security Deposit Protection or Vacation Protection totals do not balance:
  1. Verify that the RDPWin Monitor service is running. On the SySystem/RDPWinMonitor/Monitor Reservations screen, the services status should say 'Running'. Click the Start RDPWin Monitor button if it is not already running, within a few minutes any backlog of travel services purchases will be processed.
  2. Verify that sufficient deposit has been collected on all reservations requesting travel services products. The Monitor Reservations screen displays ref="../System/Monitor.htm#TravelServices">Payment Required for any reservations that have not yet paid sufficient deposit for the travel services purchases to be processed.
  3. Use the Travel Services/BalanceTravelServicesByResNum.rpt report to list details of any discrepancy in processed travel services transactions by reservation number.

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