Reservations - Overview


Functions Regarding All Reservations


Arrivals, In-House, and Departures Lists



Denial Tracking

Find Reservation

House Status

Reservations Made Today


Tape Chart

Travel Services

New Reservations

  • Guest of Owner (G)
  • Long Term (L)
  • Maintenance Reservation (X)
  • Multiple Folios (M)
  • Owner (O)
  • Paying Guest Inventory (I)
  • Paying Guest Preassign (P)
  • Special (S)
  • Temporary
  • Timeshare Bonus Time (B)
  • Timeshare Exchange Week (E)
  • Timeshare Inventory (Q)
  • Timeshare Preassign (T)

  • Options - Available for One Reservation at a Time

    Activities (RP Module Required)

    Add Room(s)

    Add Task (RZ Module Required)

    Add Work Order (RZ Module Required)

    Bill Charges






    Convert Res Types


    Key Card Options


    Mass Check-in (when configured)

    Mass Check-out (when configured)


    Post Charge



    Telephone Options




    The Reservations module is designed to improve the process of completing the many tasks assigned to the front desk. The Main Menu can be used to alternate between reservation screens, Options, and the Reports section (which provides access to several Crystal Reports designed for Reservations).  Items listed in the Navigation page are generally functions to be performed on all reservations.  Items listed in the Options panel are functions to be performed on one specific reservation selected in a grid.

    Links to the Folio, Itinerary, and Notes are offered in the main menu of most forms.  Should any of those three be accessed from any Options screen,  Reservation functions available are:

    Reservation Header
    The detail of the selected reservation is displayed at the top of any form within this module and includes Reservation Number, Reservation Type, Guest Name, Group and Leader information (if appropriate), Arrival and Departure Dates, Number of Nights, Room Number (if any), Type (room), Status, Sharewith information (if appropriate), Rate (room), Plan (rate), and People information. 
    Overview - Marketing
    Click the menu link to access RDP's website and view the marketing information available for RDP's Reservations software.
    Overview - Technical
    Click the menu link to access RDPWin's Reservation information available in Help.

    Save & Close, Save, Reset, and Close

    It is only necessary to save changes before switching tabs when in configuration.  Otherwise, change any or all tabs within Reservations and save only once; however, saving at anytime is available. The Save & Close button saves the changes and closes the form.  The Save button files changes and keeps the form open.  Reset restores the settings to those most recently saved and abandons any unsaved changes.  Reset does NOT restore system defaults.  Close prompts before exiting without saving changed settings (if any were made) and closes the form.


    Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.
