Reservations - Transfer Options

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Options Available Viewing Arrivals, In-House, and Departure Grids


Add Rooms

Add Task

Add Work Order

Bill To

Cancel Individual Res

Cancel Group Res





Convert Res Types 


Find Reservation


Group Check-in

Group Check-out

Key Card Options 

Mass Check-in

Mass Check-out

Post Charges

Refund Deposits/Payments

Refund Security Deposits


Telephone Options





Security Deposit
Held Deposits
To Owner
Transfer some or all of a deposit or payment from any reservation with a credit balance to any future, in-house, or active history reservation.

  • The originating reservation must have a deposit or payment on the folio
  • The originating reservation must have a credit balance; however the balance of the receiving reservation does not matter.
  • The amount being transferred cannot be greater than the original deposit/payment amount.

Security Deposit
When the Security Deposit feature is enabled on the Reservations --> Configuration --> Other Charges tab, transfer some or all of an existing security deposit to any other reservation. A security deposit is an amount of money collected to hold on account in case of damages. It is generally refunded after check-out if no damages occur. Some guest's may elect to have their security deposit transferred to a future reservation, or to another reservation with a balance due.

  • The originating reservation must be a checked-out reservation
  • The originating reservation must have a security deposit on the folio (Res Status = 7)
Held Deposit
When Held Deposits are enabled on the Reservations --> Configuration --> Cancel tab, transfer a held deposit to any other reservation. A held deposit an advance deposit held on account for the reservation to use in the future. It occurs after a reservation is cancelled. Instead of refunding or forfeiting the deposit, it is held for future use. The held deposit remains on the Advanced Deposit Ledger and can be transferred to other reservations.

  • The originating reservation must be a cancelled reservation
  • The originating reservation must have a held deposit on the folio
  • The originating reservation must have a credit balance
To Owner (Module R3 Condominium Owner Accounting is Required)
When an owner or guest of owner reservation is selected, click Transfer to Owner from the Options | Transfer submenu to transfer a credit balance from a reservation to an owner master.  When Module R6 Timeshare & Interval Ownership is installed, reservation types for timeshare (T) and bonus time (B) can also be selected as an originating reservation. The transferred credit amount will show on the owner statement.

  • Only the owner of the selected reservation's room number can receive the transfer
  • The originating reservation must be an owner (O) or "guest of owner" (G) reservation
  • The originating reservation must be in-house or checked-out
  • The originating reservation must have a credit balance.


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