Reservations - Change Room & Dates

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Change Room & Dates

Change the room, room type or dates on a reservation without bringing up the full change screen. This is also the only way to change the room type if a group does not already have a room type in the block.


Select Room & Dates from the Options | Change Options submenu to access the Change Room/Dates screen.

Dates / Nights
Use the calendar function or enter a new arrival or departure date to adjust the dates and click the Available Rooms button to select a different room from the filtered list.
  Change the Nights field to extend the reservation (adjust only the departure date).
Minimum Nights
Minimum night settings are considered when the dates are changed.  See Minimum Nights for more detail.
When dates, room numbers and/or room types are updated, the New/Old Rates screen is displayed where appropriate.
The Preferences fields can be updated.  Use the drop-down lists to make new selections and search for rooms based on the Preferences filter.
Room Number
Select a different room number from the drop-down list.  The Housekeeping Clean Status of the room is displayed.  Once a different room is selected, the Detail, Room# Info, and Room# Web Info buttons are enabled.

Note:  When Allow Room Move is not checked, the Room# fields on this screen are disabled, since a room move is not allowed.
Key Cards
When an In-House reservation is selected, the room number changed, and the reservation filed, the Request or Verify Key Cards screen displays and allows for key cards to be requested.
See Rates above.
Available Rooms
Click the Available Rooms button to review and select a vacant room for the selected dates and preferences. 
Tape Chart
Click the Tape Chart button to view all rooms for the appropriate dates.
Room Type
To change the room type, select a room type from the drop-down.  Click Save & Close or click any of the following buttons for addition information prior to saving the change:

  1. Click Available Rooms to view specific rooms that meet the criteria entered.
  2. Click the Yield Mgmt. button view the Yield Management screen where rates and room blocks can be evaluated and updated when needed.
  3. Click Availability to view the status of any related room blocks.


Room# and Room Type fields cannot be changed on Owner (O), Guest of Owner (G), or Owner Referral (R) reservations.  When one of the three types is selected and Change Room/Dates is accessed, the Room# and Room Type drop-downs are disabled as are the Available Rooms and Yield Mgmt. buttons.


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