Reservations - Group Reservations

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Groups & Conferences Overview (RDP's Website)
Reservation Tutorials

Link Reservations (Group Leader) - Bill Leader

Two couples are traveling together and both rooms are paid by one of the couples. Link multiple rooms together to form a kind of group without a block of rooms.  For example, Joe and Mary Smith may be traveling with George and Martha Jones.  They need separate rooms, wish to be known as traveling together, and both rooms are paid by Joe Smith. 

The format of the reservations would resemble this example:

  1. Create the first reservation using the regular New Reservation process for paying guests.

  2. Select the Smiths' reservation and click "Add One Room" from the Add Rooms submenu.  This makes the Smith reservation a leader reservation. 

  3. Enter the name(s) of the second guest(s), and click the Available Rooms button to select their room.  Save when complete.  As you can see here, both reservations are using Pay Code IP (individual pay).  The pay code must be changed once the room is reserved.  All charges for each reservation will be paid by Joe & Mary Smith; however, George & Martha Jones plan to pay their own security deposit.
  4. Select This Res from the Continue With screen to view the Jones reservation in the grid.  Make sure the "Show Entire Group" box is checked.  Both the Smith and Jones reservations display in the grid with the first reservation, in this case #469 Smith, set as the Leader reservation.  Anyone accessing either reservation can easily tell the Joneses and Smiths are traveling together.
  5. Select the Jones reservation and click Change from Options.  On the Charge Summary tab, click on the drop-down arrow for the "Transfer to Leader" pay code.  Change the pay code to ZZ "All Charges" to that all charges on the Jones reservation will be paid for by Leader Res# 469.  This does not include the security deposit.
  6. The Jones reservation folio shows all charges and the Ty column in the grid shows that all room charges and fees are designated to the leader "L" folio while the Security Deposit transaction is designated to the individual "I" folio.
  7. Once the reservations are checked out, the Jones' folio should show a balance due of zero once payment for the security deposit is received.

    The Smiths' folio should show charges for their reservation as well as a single transfer transaction from Joneses' reservation as shown below:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:low:

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