Reservations - Group Reservations

For more information, review detail at:

Groups & Conferences Overview (RDP's Website)
Reservation Tutorials

Small Group Block - Bill Leader

The Jonas family is having a wedding.  Stanley and Amanda call to block 10 rooms so wedding guests can call and reserve rooms at a group rate while still paying for their own rooms. Stanley and Amanda need a room and will also pay for the bride and groom's room.  All other guests in the block will pay their own room rates/charges. 

This group of reservations requires a room block (which requires a group master), group reservations with a leader reservation and member reservations.  All reservations can be checked in, checked out, or cancelled as a group.  The format of the reservations would resemble this example:


  1. Create the group master.

  2. Click the Leaders tab to add the group leader.  This can also be done during the Group Reservation process. 

  3. Save the leader to access the "Create Leader Reservation" screen.  Complete the necessary information and save.
  4. Use Group Reservations function in the Reservations menu to make multiple reservations at once, with or without a room number.  In this case, select Group Preassign for the parents and the bride/groom.  The Pay Code for these reservations should be set to ZZ for all charges.  Any other group reservations in the block should be set to IP for individual pay.

  5. When the other wedding party guests call in to reserve their rooms, use the Group Preassign, or Inventory if you prefer, select Jonas as the group, and make reservations from the block.  The sample block is shown below:

  6. Use the Group Reservations function to book the rest of the group members (wedding guests) making sure to set the Pay Code set to IP (individual pay) since Stan and Amanda are only paying for their room and the happy couple. Once all rooms are assigned and guest names updated, the group displays as shown here:

  7. Reservations can be checked in, checked out, or cancelled as a group.

  8. When reservations are checked out, the appropriate charges from group members are transferred to the group leader.  Guests with IP pay codes pay their own folio charges at check-out.  Reports can be run to view reservation detail.  A summation form is shown below with one line per group member and an overall charge for the group.


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