Help Menu - Menu Shortcuts

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There are several keyboard shortcuts throughout RDPWin that allow quick access to particular screens or functions. Go to the Help main menu --> Menu Shortcuts for a complete list of shortcuts by module. Each module listed can be expand, and the grid can be printed or export to Excel using the Right Click Menu. The shortcut window can be minimized to remain open while the users moves about within RDPWin.

  • F1 = RDPWin Help
  • F2 = Print Screen
  • F3 = Find Res
  • F4 = Custom Help
  • F5 = New Reservation
  • F6 = Arrivals
  • F7 = In House
  • F8 = Departures
  • F9 = Tape Chart
  • F12 = Quick View
Start Menu
  • Ctrl+A = Start Another RDPWin
Reservations Menu
  • Alt+F12 = Availability
  • Alt+F9 = Room Calendar
  • Ctrl+P = New Res - Paying Guest
  • Ctrl+Y = New Res - Complimentary
  • Ctrl+L = New Res - Long Term
  • Ctrl+O = New Res - Owner
  • Ctrl+G = New Res - Guest of Owner
  • Ctrl+R = New Res - Owner Referral
  • Ctrl+T = New Res - Timeshare
  • Ctrl+B = New Res - Bonus Time
  • Ctrl+E = New Res - Exchange
  • Ctrl+X = New Res - Maintenance
  • Ctrl+M = New Res - Multiple Folio
  • Ctrl+S = New Res - Special
  • Ctrl+C = New Res - Central Reservations
  • Ctrl+D = Change Options - Room & Dates
Masters Menu - Guest History
  • Ctrl+F3 = Find
  • Ctrl+Shift+F3 = Analysis
System Menu
  • F12 = Quick View
  • Alt+F9 = Table Maintenance
  • Ctrl+F12 = DDF Info
System Menu - Rates
  • Ctrl+Shift+1 = Rate Plans - Change
  • Ctrl+Shift+2 = Rate Sets - Change
  • Ctrl+Shift+3 = Components - Change
  • Ctrl+Shift+4 = Best Available Rate
  • Ctrl+Shift+5 = Rate Pattern
  • Ctrl+Shift+6 = Rate Plan Cut-offs
  • Ctrl+Shift+7 = Freeze Rates
GDS Interface
  • Ctrl+Shift+G =  Monitor GDS Reservations

Click for Troubleshooting assistance.

Last Updated 10/07/2011

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