Audit/Day End - Transfer to History (DOS-910)

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Select Transfer to History from the Night Audit or Day End menu.  In order to keep RDPWin running as quickly as possible, old reservations are archived by moving the historical database called Non-Active History. This is the RDPWin version of the RDP-DOS 910 Utility.

Checkbox Settings

Keep Cancelled Reservations Until Their Departure Date (Switch 109-11)
See Switch 109-11.
Transfer Reservations to Non-active if Balance is Less than $1.00 (Switch 426-08)
See Switch 426-08.
Keep Reservations for XX Days After Departure Date
See Keep Reservations for details.


Transfer All
Transfer all reservations that meet the transfer criteria. Cancelled reservations with active transactions are never deleted but moved to non-active history instead.
Transfer Res
Specify a specific reservation to transfer. The reservation or group must meet the transfer criteria. When the selected reservation is part of a group, the whole group will be transferred.  A warning displays prior to the transfer.
Transfer Res From Non-active
Transfer a reservation back from Non-Active History back to Active.  If you select a Group member it will transfer the entire group back to active history.

Archive Process

The following files are archived:
Active Database FileArchive Database File

  • HReserve
  • HExpense
  • ItinCurr

The system uses the C1 910 record to determine how many days worth of reservations to keep. This is configured in the Night Audit or Day End menu --> Configuration --> Transfer to Historical Files tab. The number of days must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 365. Reservations with the following status are archived:

  • Status 7 - Checked-Out Reservations with Security Deposit
  • Status 8 - Checked-out Reservations
  • Status 9 - Cancelled Reservations

The exceptions to these rules are:

Balance DueNot archived when reservation has a balance due on the folio.
Travel Agent Not ProcessedNot archived when field is blank
Owner Not ProcessedNot archived when field is blank
Group ReservationsWhen one or more reservations in the group has any of the following, then NO reservations are archived:

  • Reservation has not checked out
  • Folio has a balance due
  • Change Date and Departure Date are not past the transfer date
  • Security Deposit due
  • Travel Agent Not Processed
  • Owner Not Processed
Cancelled Reservation Transactions Not ProcessedCancelled reservations are not archived when:
  • PrePostedFlag = Blank and ExplodeFlag900 = blank on any transaction.
  • When the reservation is already in BookHist. In this case, the reservation is deleted.


Switches Affecting Archival

The following are the switches used in the system. Some have UI Security elements that can be overridden to show the actual date such as "Check-outs with a departure and ‘Last Changed By’ date before 01/15/98 will be transferred. OK?".

The checkboxes on the screen cannot be changed but reflect the values of the associated switches. The number of days to keep the reservation is stored in the C1-910 record. This is configured in the Night Audit or Day End menu --> Configuration --> Transfer to Historical Files tab. The number of days to keep the reservations can be increased but not decreased.  To change the default value, the value in the C1-910 record must be changed.

Switch No.Description
Record C1 910Keep Reservations for XX Days After Departure Date (Record C1 910)  
Switch 109-11Keep cancelled reservations until the departure date
  • When checked, cancelled reservations will be transferred or deleted* (depending on Switch 219-14) on the reservation departure date .
  • When NOT checked, cancelled reservations will transferred or deleted* (depending on Switch 219-14)on system date the 910 program is ran.
Switch 426-08Transfer reservations to non-active when balance is <$1.00.
Switch C1Habit When "Long Term - Monthly Statements and Phone Folio" is set to Yes, then Transfer to History transfers checked-out sharewith reservations and deleted cancelled reservations without waiting for all of the reservations to "qualify" for transfer.

Note:  Cancelled reservations with processed transactions are NEVER deleted regardless of switch setting. Cancelled reservations with processed transactions are ALWAYS transferred.

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