Masters - Room Web Info


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Room Web Info

Room Web Info displays a web page located on the property's marketing website in HTML format.  A sample of a web page within RDPWin's demo data shown here displays Room 101 information.  The information is customized by each property and should contain information for specific room numbers or other spaces deemed as a room master such as gym, spa, etc.  An error message displays when the specified file does not exist.  These files are not stored in the RDPNT/RDP folder but on the individual property's website.

When a URL is entered on the room master and Room Web Info is clicked, RDPWin opens a window and displays the web page.  This web page normally already exists on the marketing site, eliminating the need to create multiple files for RDPWin.   

Click to print the room information displayed in the window.
E-mail Link
Click to open the e-mail dialog and send the displayed room information via e-mail.

Enter the recipient's e-mail address, enter any text into the e-mail body, and click Send E-Mail.  The URL where the room information is stored is added to the e-mail automatically. A sample of the e-mail is shown below.

Note:  Some e-mail services, such as hotmail and gmail, alter HTML.

Configurable E-mail Text

The text in the body of the e-mail can be modified. Creating EmailHelp.txt and EmailHelp.htm files. Both .txt and .htm files are needed in case readers cannot view html. This feature is available for Room# Web Info screens not Room# Info Screens.

Steps to Create Configurable E-mail Text
  1. Open Notepad from Start --> Programs --> Accessories
  2. Type the text needed as the default e-mailed Room Web Info
  3. File --> Save As
  4. Navigate to the appropriate drive letter for RDPNT --> select the RDP folder --> select the UserConfig folder
  5. Enter the file name: HelpEmail
  6. Save as type:Text Documents (*.txt)
  7. Click Save

  1. File --> Save As
  2. Navigate to the appropriate drive letter for RDPNT -->RDP folder -->UserConfig folder (this the same location as step 4)
  3. Enter the File name: HelpEmail.htm
  4. Save as type: All Files
  5. Click Save

To View the Text Created in Above Steps
  1. New Res
  2. Click Available Rooms button
  3. Select a room
  4. Click the Web Info button
  5. Click the E-Mail Link button

Note: Web Info link must be added to the room master in the URL field. For more information see Room Masters.


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