Masters - Owners - Charge Owners for Work Orders

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Charge for Work Orders

Only available if the RZ (Work Orders & Asset Management) module has been installed, bill owners for work orders that have been completed and have a balance due.  This is also accessible by using the Work Orders tab.

Billing Lock-off Owners  (Switch 414-22)
When Switch 414-22 "Enable 'Allow Separate Owner on Lockoff' checkbox on Room Master" is set to yes, Work Orders allows the billing of owners that own the lock-off portion of rooms.  When set to No, the billing is performed only on the owners of the master room of the lock-off.

When the screen is displayed, a list of any owners that have work orders with a balance due is displayed. Click next to the owner to display a list of open balance work orders.  Double-click any work order to access the Work Order (Change) screen prior to posting.

Show Work Orders Designated as "Charge to Owner" Without Invoice Information
When checked, the grid includes work orders with Owner selected as the entity to charge for the work (located in the Charge Information of the Charges tab on the work order.
Post Charge
Select a work order, and click the Post Charge button to charge to an owner for a work order.  The owner Post Charge screen displays and fills in the amount field with the balance from the work order. Once the work order balance reaches zero, the work order is removed from the list. If this is the last open balance work order for the owner, that owner is also removed from the list.

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